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My Remote Office Tour: 2021 Upgrade Edition πŸš€

Wassim Chegham on July 17, 2019

2021 UPDATE: The first version of this article was written in 2019. I've upgraded my setup since and decided to include the new hardware list bel...
rbuitragoc profile image
Rick Buitrago β€’

Not sure if someone already asked you about this, and risking a bit sounding obvious: why a Macbook and not a Mac Mini (provided you're simply not using either the keyboard or the retina display of the actual laptop computer). Everything looks so crisp that I wouldn't move away from the home office at all! Thanks!

dpashutskii profile image
Dmitrii Pashutskii β€’

Or new Mac Pro which is even more powerful

wassimchegham profile image
Wassim Chegham β€’

Part of my role as a developer advocate involves traveling and meeting developers at different events and conferences. It's easy for me to just grab my MBP from under my desk.

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dpashutskii profile image
Dmitrii Pashutskii β€’

That makes sense. I thought it's unremovable, that's why it surprises me.

ajarzebowski profile image
Andrzej Jarzebowski β€’

Great setup. You are saying that you bought webcam, mic and speakers because your MBP was mounted below desk. You know that you could save all that money by simply putting laptop on the desk right? Just admit that you wanted the best stuff for the sake of it :) One question that I have is what headphones are you using? Speakers during Slack/Skype call are not the best solution.

wassimchegham profile image
Wassim Chegham β€’

What's the purpose of building an office setup at home if you can't get the best stuff? Putting the laptop on the desktop is worthless for me since I don't interact with it. I only use it for its computing power. Also, I do music production and some recordings so using the built-in webcam and sound card wasn't compatible with my setup (speakers+mic).

For meeting, I just use the mic and the speakers. I do rarely use headphones, but when I do m I use the Parrot Zik 3 ones. Yep, I like bass ;)

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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boiledbuns profile image
Richard Wei β€’

I genuinely feel very sorry for you if you believe the two are mutually exclusive.

homberocom profile image
Andrew β€’

Surely, you've heard of separation of concerns.

sherribooher profile image
Sherri Booher β€’

Thanks for sharing this setup! I really love (and hope to purchase one day) those Yamaha monitors. They are definitely a beauty, and I'm sure they sound amazing! Thanks for sharing the Keytron (now Keychron) keyboard...I just went online and ordered one. They were out of stock :( so it won't ship for a couple of weeks, and then I have to wait on it to arrive from Hong Kong. So, thanks for the recommendation on the keyboard!

humaknlght profile image
Eric Perret β€’

I would expect your MBP to start overheating if your doing something computationally expensive. When the MBP is in the closed position it will cover up some of the heat vent. Did you do anything to combat this?

samvloeberghs profile image
Sam Vloeberghs β€’

I have been doing heavy work with my laptop closed and on the desk and it can cool down enough trough the back.

leandrofinger profile image
Leandro Finger β€’

Amazing!! Thanks a lot for sharing this.

vicoerv profile image
Vico β€’

aren't your eyes hurt work with huge monitor in that distance?

wassimchegham profile image
Wassim Chegham β€’

Not at all. I'm sitting at the recommended distance.

vicoerv profile image
Vico β€’

do you always working with less lamp?

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wassimchegham profile image
Wassim Chegham β€’

Sometimes during the night. And only when I am not coding nor writing.

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vicoerv profile image
Vico β€’


jmplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde β€’

wow! Ton bureau est tout simplement incroyable. Je comprends le besoin de le mettre parfaitement à ta main, après tout tu y passes des heures et des heures chaques semaines. Je serais heureux en tout points d'utiliser un espace de travail comme le tiens. J'espère avoir quelque chose d'aussi génial un jour.

chin7an profile image
Chintan Patel β€’

This is an awesome setup, but that MBP mount makes me nervous. Might I suggest/plug a video from one of my favourite youtube channels -

It should be possible to mod his technique to mount your laptop under the desk instead of the wall. Gives you the same clean setup, with the added benefit of disconnecting the laptop easily.

seankearon profile image
seankearon β€’

Storing the computer under the desk - pure genius!

wassimchegham profile image
Wassim Chegham β€’

Thank you 😊

carlillo profile image
Carlos Caballero β€’

It is very inspiration!

k_penguin_sato profile image
K-Sato β€’


andrasbacsai profile image
Andras Bacsai β€’

Awesome setup!

The link for the monitor is incorrect.

wassimchegham profile image
Wassim Chegham β€’

Fixed. Thanks.

kressentolm profile image
Chris β€’

Hubba hubba to this setup. I really need to upgrade mine!

giorgiobertolotti profile image
Giorgio Bertolotti β€’

Okay, THIS is a premium setup! πŸ˜‚
Good job!

msamgan profile image
Mohammed Samgan Khan β€’

how much does it cost for you?

homberocom profile image
Andrew β€’

WAAAAAY more than it had to ;)

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez β€’

Coding, music production and photo editing... that sounds soooo me although I do need a proper setup haha.

mintii profile image
Brittney Braxton β€’

Such a good chair. I had one at my old job, and it's the only thing I miss about that place. I'm saving up some money to buy one.

maestromac profile image
Mac Siri β€’

Nice setup, this is motivating me to do the same. That MBP under the table is giving me anxiety though.

deepu105 profile image
Deepu K Sasidharan β€’

Really cool setup man

wassimchegham profile image
Wassim Chegham β€’

Thanks, buddy!!

knth profile image
KNTH β€’

Such a nice setup! I envy you ;)

maudlv profile image
Maud Levy β€’

Nice job! It makes me want to start working on my office space and get myself a similar standing desk 😍

elcotu profile image
Daniel Coturel β€’

Hi Wassim,
I'm interested in the details of how the laptop hangs under the desktop. I saw this and thought it would be very useful. What kind of hooks or tools did you need to do that?

nikpoltoratsky profile image
Nik Poltoratsky β€’

Are you working with that pink glowing enabled? πŸ˜…

wassimchegham profile image
Wassim Chegham β€’

Not all the time. I also change to different colours depending on my mood 😁

rodrigograca31 profile image
Rodrigo GraΓ§a πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»πŸ› β€’

You are just missing this as your flower pot:
Thank me later :D

wezpyke profile image
Wez Pyke β€’

Awesome setup. I've used a curved 21:9 monitor for the past few years and its surprising how much more productive I am using this to a traditional aspect ratio.

tyrellblackburn profile image
tyrellblackburn β€’

Love your work layout. Thanks for sharing.

artoodeeto profile image
aRtoo β€’

wow!! really cool. I like the monitor and the monitor arm.