DEV Community

Discussion on: I spoke at vim conf

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

maybe I am less patient these days, but I really feel like vscode took a downturn in perf in 2020 while I was still using it. Even fresh installs with minimal plugins did not feel the same as they did in 2018.

Absolutely no shame to anyone using VSCode whatsovever, I always promote do what makes you most productive over what someone else wants you to believe.

In my journey to get back to vim as my main editor, I found that I was able to get all the features I got from vscode and more. Being right in the terminal it does feel a bit easier to hack on and get to do things you need it to do for your workflow.

It's also valid that it takes hours to get vim how you like it, and anyone just st]ting can simply start coding much quicker in vscode.