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Web4 — The community-based internet of the future

Web4 on July 28, 2024

The Next Evolution of the Internet: Web4 The internet has undergone numerous transformations since its inception, from static websites (...
darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

Web4 is already a concept that is standing today and being built by companies and startups like Linkspreed.

You lost me at "companies".

A free internet already exists, it's out there, self-hosted and federated. Companies have no place in a free internet beyond providing the hardware and infrastructure.

web4 profile image

Sorry if I wasn’t clear, but the goal of the companies is to provide a foundation, like the infrastructure for example. Or to put a vision out into the world :)

lionelrowe profile image

is this just AI-generated vagueposting slop or is there any technical meaning to the concept of "web 4"? too lazy to google

web4 profile image

I wanted to give a little sneak peek, but I'm working on a technical deep dive as soon as Web4 Lite is released as open-source code.

lionelrowe profile image

..."web4 lite"...?

web1 was a foundational technology
web2 was a paradigm
web3 was snake oil
web4 is... a product? that doesn't even exist yet?

Thread Thread
web4 profile image

Well, Web4 does exist. Indeed it's not open source yet. Were working on a open source version.

coolerhansen profile image

The Web has already gone through a decentralized data phase (long before all of this blockchain dApp nonsense). Perhaps it's ready for another, but you're obviously premature in saying it's happening now (I'm guessing you're doing something in that space and thus trying to present it that way) and that you're going to be the one to brand it "Web4."

web4 profile image

Of course, decentralization already existed, and it's more about looking back to the beginnings of the internet. With the rise of mainstream social media like Facebook and Instagram, we see the danger of social networks becoming more and more dominant, potentially eliminating decentralization altogether. This community-based internet aims to recreate the state of microblogging from the early days of the internet, but with much better and more advanced technology.

sirserje profile image
Serhii Viazkov

Web 100500

web4 profile image

Love that! XD

sajanpaul profile image
Sajan • Edited

Web 3 Web 4?

There is not such terms existing...Who made up those things LoL ..

There is isn't any technical or logical defenition some scammers made it up

web4 profile image

No, there is nothing inherently wrong with building a new generation of the Internet. Web4 has nothing to do with crypto. They are decentralized community platforms.

ngdangtu profile image
Đăng Tú

This is more of political speak then technology article... so what tech is behind web4 again?

web4 profile image

Don’t worry, as soon as the Lite version goes live, I’ll post a real, longer, and better deep dive with technical background information here. Web4 has decentralized technology, but it’s not primarily about building a new tech framework. Instead, it aims to allow anyone to create decentralized community platforms using simple technology (e.g. PHP), which won’t be controlled by big monopolies. That’s the idea behind the decentralization.

ktbsomen profile image
somen das

clearly this is a bubble. you will be surrounded by like minded people which is sweet to hear but it has a bad effect in the long term in your Lifestyle.

web4 profile image

Very interesting, can you elaborate on that a bit more? I'm really interested in learning more from you about it and how you connect that with a long-term defect. Theoretically, you can switch your bubbles around whenever you want, and the bubbles aren't controlled by an algorithm; you can freely choose which communities you want to join.

dipanjan profile image

I can literally see the ChatGPT phrases and summarization in these posts.
Do something more productive with your time instead of wasting ours and yours.

web4 profile image

Yeah, AI is pretty good for summarizing thoughts and writing them in better English. But don’t worry, as soon as the Lite version goes live, I'll publish a real, longer, and better deep dive with technical background information here.

marc_herdina_6aa4df68c0c7 profile image
Marc Herdina is the enigma that keeps on giving. 💯