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Kyle Parsotan
Kyle Parsotan

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Data Analysis - Meriskill

As a Data Analysis Intern, I have worked on three datasets (Sales, HR, and Diabetes). With my range of programming skills, I use different tools: Python, Tableau, ML Algorithm, Seaborn, Matplotlib, and Pandas.

Visit the dashboard (Sales) at

Overall, most of the employers don't travel for most of the field and departments. HR has the highest number if employers compared to other departments and fields. The employer's age ranges from between the low to mix 30 to the low 40s for most of the fields and department. Lastly, there are more males than females in most the education field and department.

You can find the analysis (HR) at


Visit the Github:

DataScience #SoftwareEngineering #SQL #Python #Tableau #DataAnalysis #ComputerScience

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