DEV Community

Wendell Adriel
Wendell Adriel

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Creating Modularized Stateless APIs with Laravel 7.x

I work with the Laravel framework since it was on version 4.x and I really love the Framework and the things that it provides. But when I started to work with more complex applications and creating APIs with it, I missed some things. So I saw myself doing the same configurations and changing the default Laravel installation structure quite some times. So I decided to create a Skeleton structure for myself and also to use as the base structure for the new API for my company, that’s when I created LarAPI and made it as an Open Source project this week:

This Skeleton has a lot of things already configured out-of-the-box:

  • JWT Authentication
  • User Roles
  • API documentation with Swagger
  • Exception Handler configured to return only JSON responses
  • Base classes with common features for projects
  • Git Hooks to lint the code, run tests and update the API documentation automatically

I’m still planning to add more things, but you can start using it right now!!! Check out the repository for the complete documentation and to know how to use it.
If you want to help, give it a star and share with your friends!

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