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How I Understand SOLID Principles

SOLID principles consist of five principles namely:

Single-Responsibility Principle
Open-Closed Principle
Liskov Substitution Principle
Interface Segregation Principle
Dependency Inversion Principle

First, what is principle? According to google, one of the meanings of principle is:

a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

So, as how I understood it, these principles are a plan of actions that serves as a foundation for a system.

What exactly are these principles about?

Here we go.

Single-Responsibility Principle

From what I've learned, the only thing that I remember is that a class should only have one job.

If I have to explain to someone who doesn't know anything about programming. I think the best explanation is comparing this definition to a real life object.

I think the best fit for this idea is a faucet. You turn it on and water flows out, you turn it off the water stops flowing, the faucet's only job is to control the flow of water and nothing else. You can't make it work like a sink or a plate or any other things, because it only has one job.

Open-Closed Principle

The key meaning for me is open for extension but closed for modification.

A class should be extendable but close for modification. Alright, so it's like a parent and child relationship. You can never modify a parent's attribute but it can always be (at this situation) be inherited by the child.

Liskov Substitution Principle

Before we proceed, who is Liskov first and why is it important this principle should be named after this name.

Liskov is a computer scientist. According to wikipedia

The Liskov substitution principle (LSP) is a particular definition of a subtyping relation, called (strong) behavioral subtyping, that was initially introduced by Barbara Liskov in a 1987 conference keynote address titled Data abstraction and hierarchy.

Liskov substition is about substitution of related classes, so, if a child class is derived from its parent class, it should have the ability to become a substitute of the parent class.

So like for example, the trackpad and mouse, they bought can be substitutable with each other because they have the same functions needed to move the arrow around the screen.

Interface Segregation Principle

A class should never be forced to implement an attribute from an interface which the class doesn't need.

Consider it like, when you create an interface for game object movement, the main game object (the player character) has the ability to walk, run, climb and dash, adding these to the object movement interface will violate this principle if this interface will be implemented as well with a patrol type enemy, which doesn't need the other functions other than walk or run.

Dependency Inversion Principle

This allows decoupling... but wait, what is decoupling?
According to google, decoupling means

separate, disengage, or dissociate (something) from something else.

Hmm.. I still find this vague. If anyone can explain this to me like I'm a 12 years old, please do. But I will update this later if ever I get the whole idea.

I read SOLID principle from

Top comments (1)

codbugs profile image
Coding Bugs

Nice article, I like the way you are expressing your understanding about SOLID principles. There is so much to talk about them and to discuss about what they intend.

One error most people have when reading these principles is to framed all of them to objects. The SRP is framed to modules but you can use it for your classes and methods. If you master the SRP you will apply the rest of them very quickly.

I don't want to be boring and write a very long comment but want to point you to Robert C Martin and his book talking about Clean Architectures or search for him on YouTube and see some of his videos.

Hope this helps you deep dive on SOLID principles.