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How to take your web development to the next level with Hyperverse!

Learn Web3 to expand your knowledge and skills for the future web development. Free, effortlessly, and failproof with Hyperverse.

If you haven’t created your dapp yet. Follow this guide - Steps by steps!
How To Get Your Dapp Started with Hyperverse - Easy!

So what’s the hype about Web3? Let’s start quickly explaining the versions of the internet and why Web3 is the next generation internet.

Web1 - Read-only (the beginning of the 90s - around 2005)

You can think of Web1 as the first version of the internet. There were read-only sites to display information. There was not much interaction and creation. Small number of creators and a huge amount of information consumers.

Web2 - Read and write (around 2005 - now)

The majority of the internet that we see today is Web2 version. Web2 is an interactive and collaborative version of Web1. Where the average users are content creators such as blog writers, Tiktokers etc.

Web2 gives a more sophisticated user experience on the internet where you can interact with it e.g. you can sign up to a social media site, create a username and post images etc.

For the data architecture we are relying on the big companies as we are using their platforms/services in exchange for our personal data. Those data are stored in the servers that these companies own. Meaning every time you use internet-based services you lose control and ownership of your data. You can think of it as a data monarchy.

You are properly wondering.. then what is the alternative to data monarchy? This is where Web3 shines!

Web3 - Read, write and executable (beginning phase)

With blockchain technology you can create decentralized dapps that allow users to use services without giving up their personal data. Instead of data stores in big companies' private servers Web3 is using peer-to-peer networks that cut middelman. This means you don’t need to get permission for using services.Or when you will make payment it does not require personal data and can not prevent any payments. This is data democracy! 🙌

Learn more in depth what Web3 is and why it is the next generation internet here.

Interested to learn more?

But where to start? Hyperverse makes it possible for you to build dapps right away with multiple blockchain technologies you can choose to build with.

Hyperverse is for everyone

No or limited coding skills? No worries! Hyperverse provides Smart Contract Composability so you don’t have to write smart contracts from scratch but only know how to interact with them.

Reuse existing codes

As open source is a thing and Hyperverse also offers Smart Module Discoverability where you can search for already existing codes that you can reuse or build on top. And even better if you are the one that provides the code you will get rewarded each time your smart module has been used! 💵💵

Ask away!

What if you got stuck or got questions? What is the best practice? Hyperverse team is more than happy to help you along your journey of building dapps. The Hyperverse community and team are sweethearts and are very helpful. Don’t be shy and ask them any questions or help if you run into troubles.

Help With Smart Contract Security

How do you know if your smart contract is secured and that no hackers are able to find any loopholes? Hyperverse is so kind to also provide Decentralized Security Auditing to add an insurance layer for your smart contract!

Anyone can build with Hyperverse! Get on your Web3 journey now! Check out Decentology's Discord and website.

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