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Wilson Jad
Wilson Jad

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The Best JavaScript Frameworks for Front End in 2020

At the end of 2019, JavaScript dominated and ruled the world of application development, among other sort of programming. However, at the cusp of two decades, professional developers might be on the lookout for trends to follow. These trends include the best options available in development industries. Among those options, the thing that tops the list is frameworks. However, not any other type of framework, but JavaScript Frameworks for Front-End specifically.

Nevertheless, before we set out to look at them, some beginners might find it difficult to follow so many nouns. Like what exactly is a framework? In addition, what is Front-End? Moreover, how do Frameworks and Front-end collide? In order to answer questions like these appropriately, we need to understand their core first, before we delve deep into the list of frameworks.

What Is JavaScript?

Well, as a developer if you do not know what JavaScript is, then you might have been living in a cave. JavaScript, often pronounced by professionals as JS, is a just in time, high-level compiled and multi-paradigm programing language. JavaScript comprises of dynamic typing, prototype-based object orientation along with curly-bracket syntax. Considering the fact that most Android apps, including the source-code itself is comprised of JS, it makes it the prominent programming language in the world today.

What Is A Framework?

A framework is to software or application development, what a blueprint is to construction or civil development. It is a platform in order to make programming easy in the development stages of an application or a software. For example, a framework is like a library of already tested app skeletons, which then developers can modify to achieve an entirely new application.

What is Front-End?

The front-end of an application is what you see on a mobile phone screen. Whereas the back-end is the server support. Front-end includes all the functionalities of a software or application on the front, which is the client’s end. Whereas back-end deals with the intricacies on the side of the server.

Now with the basics out of the way, 2020 is shaping up to be a marginally huge year for app development compared to past few years. Mainly because app development demands are on the rise and JavaScript is as active as ever. Bearing all this in mind, let us break down the best frontend Java Frameworks for app development in 2020.

1- React

React is a library for building front-end basics of an application in the JavaScript module. In simple worlds, it is a JavaScript library for developing user-interfaces in applications. Facebook introduced it in early days as React-Native, since then developer communities and Facebook have managed it themselves.
Ever since its introduction in 2018, React has dominated the app development scene. One of the primary offerings of react includes interactive and attractive user-interfaces, which enable developers to save hours of work. React made huge leaps in 2019, and now it is poised to dominate 2020 a well. It prominently features Suspense model and Concurrent Mode, which allows developers to achieve high-end futuristic applications.

2- AngularJS

Initially introduced by Google in October of 2010, AngularJS has been a viable option for many developers around the globe. Angular is a framework with structural basics, and it allows app developers to utilize HTML as the primary language. Since Angular 2, it has offered the developers mighty options in reducing application size. Its code elimination ability accompanied by data binding dependency causes a major size reduction.

With the help of command line interface of Angular, it is a feasible option for developers in 2020. It allows setting the modules, as well as zone implementation. Considering its adaptable and diminutive nature, there is little doubt that developers would favor AngularJS as they have in past 10 years.

3- Ember

Having uncanny resemblance with AngularJS and Backbone, Ember is one of the earliest and still active JavaScript libraries. Based on the model-view-view-model arrangement, Ember is an open-source JS framework.

Perhaps the primary benefit of Ember is its provision of scalable SPAs to a developer. Ember is unmatched in making large architectures full of complexities. Ember along with its plugin CLI will prove to be a worthy tool for developers in the on-going year.

4- Vue JS

Vue.JS is a model-view-view-model based Framework as well. Created in the year 2014 by Google’s own Evan You, Vue JS is one of the primary Framework solutions in the market today. It allows developers to create user-interfaces along with intricate single-page applications. Despite the fact that it is new in comparison to other languages in the JS library, Vue is nothing short of extremely popular among developers.

One of the chief elements of Vue.js is its adaptable nature in regards with other languages. Simple set-up processes along with other plugins make it a viable companion to developers. Which is why Vue.js is set to make waves in the software programing world in 2020 as well.

5- Node.js

If this list was in a ranked order, Node.js would be at the top. Widely regarded as the chief cross-platform framework, Node.js is poised to govern 2020. Initially released in 2009, the open-source JavaScript runtime environment has gone through many changes. Considering the rise of cross-platform application’s demand, Node.js provides unmatched options in the app development industry.

Along with ease to learn, Node.js offers the usage in single programming. Additionally, its full-stack properties not only make it a viable front-end option, but it also relieves developers of any future problems. The framework provides a solid base for an application; however, experts would suggest availing the services from experienced Logo Design Services, or marketers in order to allow an application to shine. Adaptable and futuristic Node.js will continue to ride the waves in 2020.

Top comments (2)

cadams profile image
Chad Adams • Edited

I would update your article, there's a big difference between saying Angular.js (Angular.js is dead) and Angular. The new version of Angular is a completely different project, it uses TypeScript instead of JavaScript so the Angular devs don't want you calling it Angular.js.

john__olson profile image
John Olson

I'll "second" Chad's statement. AngularJS and Angular are two very different frameworks.