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William Lewis
William Lewis

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Levenshtein Distance

How many moves does it take to transform the word "alpha" into "aleph", where a move is one of the following actions?

  • Deleting a letter
  • Inserting a letter
  • Replacing one letter with another

For example, starting with "alpha":

  1. Insert e after l, producing "alepha".
  2. Delete the final a, giving "aleph".

This isn't the only possible sequence of moves, though. Here's another:

  1. Replace p with e, giving "aleha".
  2. Replace h with p, giving "alepa".
  3. Replace a with h, producing "aleph".

For any source and target strings, there may be many ways of transforming one into the other. But there's always a shortest number of moves for doing so. This shortest number of moves is called the Levenshtein distance between the two strings, and that's what we're interested in today. For instance, we can go from "the" to "nap" in just three moves:

  1. Replace t with n, giving "nhe".
  2. Replace h with a, giving "nae".
  3. Replace e with p, giving "nap".

Since there's no way to do it in fewer, the Levenshtein distance between "the" and "nap" is 3.

A Simple Recursive Algorithm

Our goal is to write the body of this function:

def dist(src, tgt):
    Compute the Levenshtein distance between src and tgt.
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We can start be observing some base cases:

  • If the source string is "" (the empty string), we can't do any better than inserting all of the characters in the target string. Since there are len(tgt) such characters, dist("", tgt) == len(tgt)
  • Likewise if the target string is "", we can't do any better than deleting the letters from the source string. So dist(src, "") == len(src).

That's enough to get us started:

def dist(src, tgt):
    if not src:
        return len(tgt)
    elif not tgt:
        return len(src)

    # ...
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If neither string is empty, then we compare the first characters in each. If they're the same, we don't need to perform any moves on these characters, and the distance between the two strings is simply the distance between the tails of the two:

def dist(src, tgt):
    if not src:
        return len(tgt)
    elif not tgt:
        return len(src)

    a, *src_tail = src
    b, *tgt_tail = tgt

    if a == b:
        return dist(src_tail, tgt_tail)

    # ...
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If the first two characters don't match, it's not clear what the right move to perform is without peeking at the rest of the strings. In this case we just try all possible moves, and pick the one that results in the smallest distance:

def dist(src, tgt):
    if not src:
        return len(tgt)
    elif not tgt:
        return len(src)

    a, *src_tail = src
    b, *tgt_tail = tgt

    if a == b:
        return dist(src_tail, tgt_tail)

    return 1 + min(dist(src, tgt_tail), dist(src_tail, tgt), dist(src_tail, tgt_tail))
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For example, dist(src, tgt_tail) (the first term in the min(...)
expression), is computing the distance between the source string and the rest (tail) of the target string. This corresponds to inserting the first character in the target string.

The second expression — dist(src_tail, tgt) — corresponds to deleting the first character in the source string; and the final expression — dist(src_tail, tgt_tail) — to replacing the first character in the source string with the first character in the target string. In each of the subexpressions, we're asking, "supposing I performed X move, what's the distance between the resulting strings?" We add 1 to the calculation to account for the single move that we're performing.

I find this slightly tricky to wrap my head around, but it's a little easier to grasp if we visualize the recursive calls that dist makes while computing the distance between two strings. For instance, to calculate dist("the", "tea"):

A trace of the calculation dist(

Link to image

Each box corresponds to a call to dist, and each arrow indicates the move made during the call to dist (the one exception is "skip", which isn't really a move; this occurs when the first two letters match).

Here's a trace of an even simpler calculation: dist("i", "an"), which might be easier to follow:

A trace of the calculation dist(

Link to image

These diagrams make a few things clear:

  1. There are often multiple distinct minimal sequences of moves for transforming one string into another. For instance, to transform "the" into "tea", there are two paths containing the minimal 2 (non-skip) moves:
    • Delete h and insert a.
    • Replace h with e, and replace e with a.
  2. There's a lot of redundant computation. For example, the subcomputation dist("e", "a") is performed twice while computing dist("the", "tea"). This is even more glaring in larger computations like:

brace yourself

A trace of the calculation dist

Link to image

One consequence of observation (2) is that our current implementation of dist performs very slowly on anything other than small inputs. For instance, this calculation doesn't complete after even a minute on my machine:

dist("a man, a plan, a canal: panama", "a girl, a pearl, a lexus: canada")
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In a minute we'll see a way to speed this up dramatically, but first (this is a lark after all), a quick diversion...

A Levenshtein Machein

It's not too difficult to modify dist to return a minimal sequence of moves for transforming one string into another, rather than the distance between them. We can think of this as a sequence of instructions to be executed by a machine that operates on the input string. For instance, applying the instruction sequence:

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to the string "the" produces the string "tea".

We'll need a way to represent the different moves applied to strings, AKA our instructions. For example, here's how we represent the "insert" instruction:

class Insert:
    def __init__(self, elt):
        self.elt = elt

    def __str__(self):
        return f"INSERT {self.elt}"

    def __eq__(self, rhs):
        return self.elt == rhs.elt
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The other instructions are similar:

class Delete:
    def __init__(self, elt):
        self.elt = elt

    def __str__(self):
        return f"DELETE {self.elt}"

    def __eq__(self, rhs):
        return self.elt == rhs.elt

class Replace:
    def __init__(self, src, dst):
        self.src = src
        self.dst = dst

    def __str__(self):
        return f"REPLACE {self.src} WITH {self.dst}"

    def __eq__(self, rhs):
        return self.src == rhs.src and self.dst == rhs.dst

class Skip:
    def __str__(self):
        return "SKIP"

    def __eq__(self, rhs):
        return True
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Generating instructions for transforming a source string into a target string is just a matter of tweaking the return statements in dist:

def gen_insts(src, tgt):
    Generate a minimal sequence of instructions that transforms src into tgt.
    if not src:
        return list(map(lambda y: Insert(y), tgt))
    elif not tgt:
        return list(map(lambda x: Delete(x), src))

    a, *src_tail = src
    b, *tgt_tail = tgt

    if a == b:
        return [Skip(), *gen_insts(src_tail, tgt_tail)]

    insert_b = gen_insts(src, tgt_tail)
    delete_a = gen_insts(src_tail, tgt)
    replace_ab = gen_insts(src_tail, tgt_tail)

    best = min(insert_b, delete_a, replace_ab, key=inst_count)

    if best is insert_b:
        return [Insert(b), *insert_b]
    elif best is delete_a:
        return [Delete(a), *delete_a]
        return [Replace(a, b), *replace_ab]
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For example, when src is "", instead of returning a distance of len(tgt), we return a list of Insert instructions, one for each letter remaining in tgt. The only wrinkle is at the end. We first generate instruction sequences for the 3 different possible moves: inserting the first letter in the target string, deleting the first letter in the source string, and replacing the first letter in the source with the first letter in the target. We pick whichever involves the fewest (non-Skip) instructions:

def inst_count(insts):
    Counts the number of nontrivial instructions in insts.
    return len(list(filter(lambda i: not isinstance(i, Skip), insts)))
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Here are the instructions produced by gen_insts("the", "tea"):

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and by gen_insts("pagoda", "pierogi"):

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Here's an example of what the initial internal state of the machine looks like:

+ --- + --- + --- +
|  t  |  h  |  e  |
+ --- + --- + --- +

output: []

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We maintain an index into the source string (j), an output list of characters, and a current instruction. Operating the machine is simply a matter of doing the right thing for each instruction:

  • If the instruction is INSERT c, append c to the output.
  • If it's DELETE c, don't add any characters to the output, but advance j.
  • If it's REPLACE c WITH d, append d to the output, and advance j.
  • Finally, if it's SKIP c, append c to the output, and advance j.
def run(src, insts):
    Apply insts to src.
    cs = []
    j = 0
    for i in insts:
        if isinstance(i, Insert):
        elif isinstance(i, Delete):
            if src[j] != i.elt:
                raise ValueError(f"Expected {i.elt}")
            j += 1
        elif isinstance(i, Replace):
            if src[j] != i.src:
                raise ValueError(f"Expected {i.src}")
            j += 1
        elif isinstance(i, Skip):
            j += 1

    return "".join(cs)
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And that's all there is to it. To summarize very concisely, for any src and tgt strings:

run(src, gen_insts(src, tgt)) == tgt
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...and now, back to the main event.

Speeding Things Up


We noticed earlier that the same subtrees appear multiple times in any but the smallest traces. Any time the same computation is being performed multiple times, it's worth trying to speed things up with memoization. Memoizing our recursive dist implementation would have the effect of "merging" all of the common subtrees in the trace diagrams. Unfortunately, memoization isn't a panacea (alas, nothing is). Particularly when arguments are compound objects (like strings or lists), we incur the overhead of hashing them into things that can be used as keys in a cache. This overhead isn't too bad in this case, but there's a better approach.

Dynamic Programming

Memoization is really general: it works in cases where a function might conceivably be applied to an infinite variety of inputs. But in this case we know in advance the exact inputs whose results we want to cache in order to avoid redundant recomputations. Our recursive implementation performs these calculations on-demand, but we could
just as easily perform them in advance. The downside is that we might do more work than necessary, but the calculations involved are so simple that this doesn't matter.

Here's the idea: we allocate a two-dimensional array with a row for each suffix of the source string, and a column for each suffix of the target string. A string s has len(s) + 1 suffixes. For example:

"tea"[0:] == "tea"
"tea"[1:] == "ea"
"tea"[2:] == "a"
"tea"[3:] == ""
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Here's the first part of our new implementation:

def dist(src, tgt):
    m = len(src)
    n = len(tgt)
    d = [[0 for _ in range(n + 1)] for _ in range(m + 1)]

    # ...
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We should visualize this table containing the letters of the source string running down the rows, and the letters of the target across the top. For instance, here's the table for the calculation dist("the", "tea"):

     t     e     a
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
t |     |     |     |     |
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
h |     |     |     |     |
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
e |     |     |     |     |
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
  |     |     |     |     |
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
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This table will contain the distances between all suffixes of the source and target strings. That is, the entry d[i][j] will contain dist(src[i:], tgt[j:]).

The first order of business is to populate these "empty suffix" cells using some boundary conditions, analogous to the base cases in the recursive implementation. Specifically, we know that

dist(src[i:], "") == len(src[i:])
                  == len(src) - i
                  == m - i
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and likewise:

dist("", tgt[j:]) == len(tgt[j:])
                  == len(tgt) - j
                  == n - j
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This allows us to fill out the rightmost column and bottom row:

     t     e     a
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
t |     |     |     |  3  |
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
h |     |     |     |  2  |
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
e |     |     |     |  1  |
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
  |  3  |  2  |  1  |  0  |
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
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As an example, there's a 2 in the rightmost column because:

d[1][3] == dist(src[1:], tgt[3:])
        == dist("he", "")
        == 2
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and likewise there's a 3 in the bottom row because:

d[3][0] == dist(src[3:], tgt[0:])
        == dist("", "tea")
        == 3
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Here's the code to initialize these cells:

def dist(src, tgt):
    # ...

    for i in range(m + 1):
        d[i][n] = m - i

    for j in range(n + 1):
        d[m][j] = n - j

    # ...
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Filling in the remaining entries resembles the recursive cases in our original implementation. We iterate backwards through the rows and columns, starting from the known boundary and moving towards the upper left-hand corner:

def dist(src, tgt):
    # ...

    for i in reversed(range(m)):
        for j in reversed(range(n)):
            # Fill in the remaining cells in d.

    # ...
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To compute the value of the cell d[i][j], we first check if the character at index i in the source string is the same as the character at index j in the target string (src[i] == tgt[j]). If so, the distance between src[i:] and tgt[j:] is the same as the distance between src[i + 1:] and tgt[i + 1:] (that is, the distance between the tails). But this is just the value at d[i + 1][j + 1]. So in this case, d[i][j] = d[i + 1][j + 1]:

def dist(src, tgt):
    # ...

    for i in reversed(range(m)):
        for j in reversed(range(n)):
            a = src[i]
            b = tgt[j]
            if a == b:
                d[i][j] = d[i + 1][j + 1]

    # ...
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If src[i] != tgt[j], we need to consider the three possible moves we can make, just like in the recursive case. In this case, however, we've already computed the distances involved. The distance between the suffixes that results from inserting tgt[j] is located at d[i][j + 1], the result from deleting src[i] is at d[i + 1][j], and from replacing src[i] with tgt[j] is at d[i + 1][j + 1]. We just need to look them up and select the smallest:

def dist(src, tgt):
    # ...

    for i in reversed(range(m)):
        for j in reversed(range(n)):
            a = src[i]
            b = tgt[j]
            if a == b:
                d[i][j] = d[i + 1][j + 1]
                d[i][j] = 1 + min(d[i + 1][j], d[i][j + 1], d[i + 1][j + 1])

    # ...
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Finally, we return d[0][0], which holds the distance between the suffixes src[0:] and tgt[0:], i.e. the original source and target strings themselves:

def dist(src, tgt):
    m = len(src)
    n = len(tgt)
    d = [[0 for _ in range(n + 1)] for _ in range(m + 1)]

    for i in range(m + 1):
        d[i][n] = m - i

    for j in range(n + 1):
        d[m][j] = n - j

    for i in reversed(range(m)):
        for j in reversed(range(n)):
            a = src[i]
            b = tgt[j]
            if a == b:
                d[i][j] = d[i + 1][j + 1]
                d[i][j] = 1 + min(d[i + 1][j], d[i][j + 1], d[i + 1][j + 1])

    return d[0][0]
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Tables for a number of different cases (including dist("the", "tea") are rendered here. Hovering over any of the cells shows the "move" that led to the cell's calculation (e.g. "Delete h"), a feature stolen from Wikipedia.


Using Less Space

The eagle-eyed will have noticed that, although we allocated a two-dimensional table for our calculations, we only ever referenced the previous row when computing the next. That is, when calculating d[1][2], we only referred to cells d[2][2], d[1][3] and d[2][3], and not, for instance, d[5][7]. We can take advantage of this fact by using two one-dimensional lists for our calculations, performing the computations in a kind of "leap frog" style.

Here's what that looks like:

     t     e     a
  +     +     +     +     +
  +     +     +     +     +
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
e |     |     |     |     | <- v1
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
  |  3  |  2  |  1  |  0  | <- v0
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
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We allocate two arrays, v0 and v1, and initialize v0 using the same boundary condition as before. We then iterate backwards over the suffixes of the target string, filling in the cells in v1 as we go. This requires little more than translating lookups in d to lookups in either v0 or v1:

  • d[i + 1][j] == v0[i][j]
  • d[i][j + 1] == v1[i][j + 1]
  • d[i + 1][j + 1] == v0[i][j + 1]

which allows us to populate the entries in v1:

     t     e     a
  +     +     +     +     +
  +     +     +     +     +
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
e |  2  |  1  |  1  |  1  | <- v1
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
  |  3  |  2  |  1  |  0  | <- v0
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
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We then swap the addresses pointed to by v0 and v1, effectively producing the following situation:

     t     e     a
  +     +     +     +     +
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
h |     |     |     |     | <- v1
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +
e |  2  |  1  |  1  |  1  | <- v0
  + --- + --- + --- + --- +

  +     +     +     +     +
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We just rinse and repeat until we've completed the top row, at which point the distance we're interested in is located in v0[0] (not v1[0], since we swap v0 and v1, even after the final iteration). Here's the implementation:

def dist(src, tgt):
    m = len(src)
    n = len(tgt)

    v0 = [n - j for j in range(n + 1)]
    v1 = [0 for _ in range(n + 1)]

    for i in reversed(range(m)):
        v1[n] = m - i
        for j in reversed(range(n)):
            a = src[i]
            b = tgt[j]
            if a == b:
                v1[j] = v0[j + 1]
                v1[j] = 1 + min(v1[j + 1], v0[j], v0[j + 1])

        v1, v0 = v0, v1

    return v0[0]
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And that's all there is to it.


I still have a few questions about why these algorithms work. For instance, why are we guaranteed to find the shortest sequence of moves by walking through the strings from start to finish? Is it obvious that there's nothing to be gained by first making some moves in the center of the source string, and then moving out towards the edges?


The implementations I've shown here are slightly different from the ones presented in the Wikipedia article. I wanted to keep the iterative and recursive algorithms as similar as possible; in the Wikipedia article, the recursive algorithm processes suffixes, whereas the iterative algorithms process prefixes. This isn't an issue, per se, but it does require convincing yourself that:

dist(src, tgt) == dist(src[::-1], tgt[::-1])
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This seems totally reasonable, but it's not yet obvious to me...


I had a lot of fun building a few tools to help visualize these algorithms. The first, which renders the traces followed by the recursive implementation, is available at bin/ The second, which builds an HTML table showing the distance array populated by the iterative algorithm, is at bin/

All of the code presented in this post and more is available on GitHub.

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