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Segment integrations with redux on react and react-native

Does anyone use segment for data analytics?
Segment is the infrastructure for gathering customer data.
And It supports so many analytics tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Facebook Pixel and etc..

And redux-segment-node is a redux middleware to help developer to use segment easily.

Now, Let's take a look how to use this.


$ npm i -S redux-segment-node
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


# replace the `key` with your `Segment API key` in `config.json`
$ npm run dev
# and visit localhost:7777
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


// import { applyMiddleware, createStore } from 'redux';
import createSegmentTracker from 'redux-segment-node';

const segmentMiddleware = createSegmentTracker({
  key: 'API_KEY',
  flushAfter: 1000,

const middleware = applyMiddleware(segmentMiddleware);

// const store = createStore(/* ... */);

// identify (recommended: pass `userId` in `eventPayload`)
  type: 'SIGN_IN',
  analytics: {
    eventType: 'identify',
    eventPayload: {
      userId: 'UUID',

// track (required: pass `event` in `eventPayload`)
// If you pass the `signout` or `logout` as an `event` in `track` type,
// The `userId` will be removed.
  analytics: {
    eventType: 'track',
    eventPayload: {
      event: 'Click CTA Button',

// page (recommended: pass `name` in `eventPayload`)
// screen (similar with `page`)
  type: 'VIEW_PAGE',
  analytics: {
    eventType: 'page', // or 'screen'
    eventPayload: {
      name: 'LANDING_PAGE',

// group (required: pass `groupId` in `eventPayload`)
  type: 'GROUP',
  analytics: {
    eventType: 'group',
    eventPayload: {
      groupId: 'UUID',

// alias (required: pass `userId` in `eventPayload`)
  type: 'ALIAS_USER',
  analytics: {
    eventType: 'alias',
    eventPayload: {
      userId: 'NEW_UUID',
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


createSegmentTracker arguments

property type remark
key string(required)
platform string(optional) one of [android, ios] or undefined
host string(optional) Host where reports will be sent. Useful for debug.
flushAt number(optional) The number of messages to enqueue before flushing.
flushAfter number(optional) The number of milliseconds to wait before flushing the queue automatically.

Event Types (Segment API Specification)

  • identify: Can tie an user to their action and record traits about them.
  • track: Can track any actions that users perform.
  • page: Can record the page that users are stay in.
  • screen: Can record the screen that users are stay in. (for the mobile application)
  • group: Can associate the individual users with a group.
  • alias: Can merge two user identities.

Documentation for Segment

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