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Marvin Mills
Marvin Mills

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Why I'm Learning Cloud Architecture

NOTE: I love jazz music, even though I grew up on hip-hop and oldies. With all posts, I recommend a jazz record to listen to while reading. I hope you'll take a listen.

The Post Sound: Yama - Art Blakey

I believe nearly everything converges in the cloud.

For today's world, and well into the future.

(If you don't read anything else, that's the core reason for why I've decided to learn cloud architecture)

It's also perhaps the second most critical component to humanity's existence, after energy systems.

NOTE: This is my very first post on by the way, and I'd like to extend my gratitude to you for stopping through to read this. My name is Marvin. I am a long-time nomad. Originally from Los Angeles. Now living in Bangkok.

How Critical Is Cloud Architecture To Humanity's Existence?

Over time, I've realized the cloud is really the backbone of our modern world.

By 2025, it’s estimated that 100 zettabytes (100 trillion gigabytes) of data will be stored in the cloud — representing over 50% of the world’s total data.

Cloud systems can also manage and store the massive amounts of data generated by space missions, from scientific research to environmental monitoring of spacecraft.

By using edge computing and distributed cloud networks, data processing can occur closer to the source, such as a space station or Mars colony, while still being synced with Earth-based systems. This ensures real-time decision-making and coordination across planets.

Understanding cloud architecture will be critically important also as we move into the era of quantum computing.

So, I'm documenting my learning journey here. I'm starting with AWS cloud solutions architecture certification.

More to come.

Good to be here on

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