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Weekly API Roundup: Shipment Legs, Shipment Purchase Order List and Search Podcast

In keeping with our weekly routine, we will introduce three new APIs to you. For our weekly API roundup, we have chosen these data sources and we hope you will enjoy them. These APIs' purpose, industry, and client types will be explained. If you want to learn more, the Marketplace for Data and APIs of Worldindata has more information about the APIs. Now is the time to focus on the APIs!

Shipment Legs API by Flexport

The shipment legs API of Flexport is a popular tool used by a variety of clients in the freight and logistics industry, as well as by importers, exporters, and international traders. This API allows users to fetch a list of shipment route legs, or information on an individual leg, with all relevant details included. The data provided by the API is valuable to a range of clients, from logistics and freight companies looking to optimize their operations, to traders and import/export businesses seeking to manage their supply chains effectively.

The sectors that use the Flexport shipment legs API are diverse, spanning freight, maritime, logistics, import, export, and trade. The API has proven to be particularly useful for companies involved in the shipping and transportation of goods, as well as those engaged in international trade. By accessing data on shipment route legs, clients can gain insights into key details such as transit times, cargo types, and shipping costs, enabling them to make informed decisions that drive efficiency and profitability.

The main purpose of the Flexport shipment legs API is to provide clients with a comprehensive view of their shipment routes, allowing them to track cargo, optimize transit times, and manage costs effectively. With the ability to access real-time data on shipment legs, clients can make informed decisions and take proactive steps to ensure that their supply chains operate smoothly. Whether seeking to optimize logistics operations or manage international trade, the Flexport shipment legs API provides a valuable tool for clients across a range of sectors.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /shipment_legs
Method: GET
Endpoint: /shipment_legs/{id}

Filters: page, per,, f.transportation_mode, f.include_deleted and id

Shipment Purchase Order List API by Flexport

The shipment purchase order list API of Flexport is a valuable tool for clients seeking to manage their supply chains efficiently. The main purpose of the API is to provide users with the ability to fetch a list of purchase order line items, or information on a single line item, with all relevant details included. By accessing real-time data on purchase orders, clients can make informed decisions and take proactive steps to optimize their operations, reduce costs, and ensure timely delivery of goods.

The shipment purchase order list API is used by a range of industries, including freight, maritime, logistics, import, export, and trade. The API is particularly useful for companies involved in the shipping and transportation of goods, as well as those engaged in international trade. With the ability to access real-time data on purchase order line items, clients can gain insights into key details such as order status, delivery schedules, and pricing, enabling them to make informed decisions that drive efficiency and profitability.

The Flexport shipment purchase order list API is used by a diverse range of clients, including freight and logistics companies, importers, exporters, and international traders. The data provided by the API is valuable to clients across a range of industries, enabling them to manage their supply chains effectively, reduce costs, and improve operational efficiency. By providing clients with real-time data on purchase order line items, the Flexport API allows them to make informed decisions and take proactive steps to ensure that their supply chains operate smoothly.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /purchase_order_line_items
Method: GET
Endpoint: /purchase_order_line_items/{id}

Filters: page, per, direction,, f.line_item_number, f.item_key and id

Search Podcast API by Listen Notes

The search podcast API of Listen Notes is a powerful tool for clients in the podcast, entertainment, and streaming industries. The main purpose of the data is to provide full-text search functionality for episodes, podcasts, or curated lists of podcasts. By leveraging Listen Notes' advanced search capabilities, clients can access a vast library of podcast content and provide their users with a seamless and comprehensive listening experience.

The search podcast API is used by a range of clients, including social app developers, content creators, streaming and entertainment services, and more. With access to Listen Notes' search technology, clients can build custom podcast discovery and recommendation engines, or integrate podcast content seamlessly into their existing platforms. The API is designed to be flexible and scalable, making it a popular choice for clients looking to deliver high-quality podcast content to their users.

The podcast industry is rapidly growing, with millions of listeners tuning in to their favorite shows every day. As a result, there is a high demand for tools and services that can help clients discover, organize, and deliver podcast content to their audiences. The search podcast API of Listen Notes is a valuable tool for clients in this space, providing advanced search capabilities that enable them to deliver a personalized and engaging listening experience to their users. Whether building a social app, content platform, or streaming service, the search podcast API offers a powerful and flexible solution for clients looking to stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving industry.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /search

Filters: q, sort_by_date, type, offset, len_min, len_max, episode_count_min, episode_count_max, update_freq_min, update_freq_max, genre_ids, published_before,published_after, only_in, language, language, ocid, ncid, safe_mode and unique_podcasts

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