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Wordpress hooks


I'm working on a project for a non-profit and they've asked for a user to only be able to ask for mentoring support after completing a course. This makes it easier to set expectations and confirm they understand the code-of-conduct.

My Issue

I've managed to sort out adding a user to a membership when they sign-up using some custom code in my functions.php

// Hook into Gravity Forms User Registration. Runs after user has been registered
add_action( 'gform_user_registered', 'memberpress_membership_account_prep', 10, 4);

// Setup lifetime MemberPress membership
function memberpress_membership_account_prep( $user_id, $feed, $entry ) {

    $url     = rest_url( 'mp/v1/transactions' );
    $headers = [ 'Authorization' => 'AUTHCODEHERE' ];

    $data = [
        'member'     => $user_id,
        'amount'     => "0.00",
        'total'      => "0.00",
        'membership' => "237", # MemberPress membership ID here
        'status'     => "complete",
        'gateway'    => "manual",
        'expires_at' => "0000-00-00 00:00:00"

    $response = wp_remote_post( $url, [
        'method'  => 'POST',
        'headers' => $headers,
        'body'    => $data
    ] );


But now I'm have trouble. The following snippet can be used when a particular course has been finished.

// Hook into Learndash Course Completion
add_action("learndash_course_completed", function($data $course_id) {
//Called when course is completed
}, 5, 1);

But I can't figure out how to use the data to pass it into the memberpress_membership_account_prep function.

Any help would be very appreciated.


Top comments (1)

mike_hasarms profile image
Mike Healy

This is probably not the main issue, but are you missing a comma between $data and $course_id in the arguments for the learndash_course_completed callback?

Does $data contain the user_id?
If so can you just call memberpress_membership_account_prep() from within the callback and pass in the user_id?

(You may also want to set default values for $feed and $entry since you don't appear to be using them)