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William Raffaelle
William Raffaelle

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Cloud Resume Challenge

I recently completed the Cloud Resume Challenge by Forrest Brazeal. I thought the challenge was well-thought-out and had the right amount of difficulty. Although I already had some cloud experience prior to this project, the project put my skills to the test and I learned some stuff along the way. This was my first time deploying a full-stack web application using an infrastructure as code tool (CloudFormation). I was also exposed to GitHub Actions which I used to create a deployment pipeline. All in all this challenge was rewarding and I am happy with the end result.

Phase 1. Front End

The resume website was written in HTML. I used the following example to help me: A simple HTML Resume. I also used Adobe Dreamweaver to fix some issues I had with spacing. Next, I styled the website with CSS. The code was then uploaded to an S3 bucket which had static web hosting enabled. I experienced a strange error with Route 53, so I decided to use Cloudflare as a DNS provider.

HTML Resume

Phase 2. API

To start this phase, I first created a DynamoDB table to store the visitor counter. I then created a REST API using AWS API Gateway. The API had one simple GET method. I then integrated the API method with a Lambda function. I wrote the Lambda function using Python and Boto3. The function updates the database's primary key by incrementing the visitor counter by 1 and then retrieves the visitor count and returns the number. The back end is represented by the following diagram:

Infrastructure Diagram

Phase 3. Integration

It was finally time to integrate my front end to my back end. To make this happen, I wrote some JavaScript. The script I wrote uses the fetch() method to make an API call; in this case to update and return the visitor counter.

.then(response => response.json())
.then((response) => {
document.getElementById('replaceme').innerText = response

I used Open Up The Cloud's video series Cloud Resume Challenge to help me with this part.

Phase 4. Automation

This was by far the most challenging part of the Cloud Resume Challenge. I now needed to represent my cloud resources as configuration. To complete the Infrastructure as Code step, I used AWS CloudFormation. The template defines all the back end resources: DynamoDB table, API Gateway (method, stage, deployment), and the Lambda function. This step took a lot of troubleshooting. I used different examples I could find on the internet to help me construct the template. Here are some things I noted:

  • When defining a method, even if the HttpMethod is GET, the IntegrationHttpMethod is POST
  • A GatewayResponse can be defined to create ResponseParameters to avoid CORS issues. I defined the following ResponseParameters: gatewayresponse.header.Access-Control-Allow-Headers: "'*'" gatewayresponse.header.Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "'*'" gatewayresponse.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "'*'"

I then used GitHub Actions to deploy my application. If I were to complete this challenge again, I would set this up earlier since it saves a lot of time. I set up an action to deploy the CloudFormation template if there is a change to the template. I set up a different workflow to push any code change to the Lambda function. Lastly, I set up a workflow to push any HTML/CSS/Javascript changes to the S3 bucket where the website code is stored. I can now make many changes to either my front end or back end code and the changes will be pushed to the cloud. CI/CD is awesome.

Phase 5. Blog

As soon as I hit the Publish button, I will have completed the Cloud Resume Challenge. I enjoyed doing this challenge because it helped me to understand how full-stack web applications are deployed to AWS. Although I had written Lambda functions and CloudFormation templates prior to partaking this challenge, I had never used API Gateway and CloudFormation together. The challenge helped me to realize just how powerful and important infrastructure as code is. Additionally, prior to this challenge, I had no experience with GitHub Actions. I now see how useful it is and how it can save you a lot of time when you are working on a full-stack web application in the cloud. Overall, I thought this challenge was great and I recommend it to anyone who is new or has some cloud experience.

Link to resume website:

Top comments (1)

gnarlylasagna profile image
Evan Dolatowski

This is great, I had a great time completing the Cloud Resume Challenge using Azure! Thank you for sharing your experience