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JavaScript Learning & Practices Links, from Zero to Hero

JavaScript Learning & Practices Links

This file aggregates curated popular links for learning JavaScript. More reference about ITCS can turn to Awesome Links : Guide to Galaxy, which collects valuable, popular and up-to-date links for CS, including Programming Language, Software Engineering, Server Side Application, Infrastructure, InfoSecurity, Industrial Application, DataScienceAI, Frontend Technology(iOS, Android, RN, Electron), etc.

Overview | 概述

JavaScript History

Modern JavaScript | 现代 JavaScript 明晰

CheatSheet | 语法速览

Collection | 资料集锦

  • Master JavaScript Programming With 18 OpenSource Books #Collection#: This compilation focuses on the JavaScript language with 18 solid recommendations. There are books here for beginner, intermediate, and advanced programmers alike. All of the texts are released under an open source license.

  • Awesome JavaScript #Collection#: A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things.

  • JavaScript-Garden: JavaScript Garden is a growing collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript programming language. It gives advice to avoid common mistakes and subtle bugs, as well as performance issues and bad practices, that non-expert JavaScript programmers may encounter on their endeavours into the depths of the language.

  • 2017-Must-Watch JavaScript #Project#: This is a collection of well-received talks about JavaScript, covering topics such as ES6, JavaScript frameworks, client-side apps, mobile integration, JavaScript performance, tooling, leveling up, and more.


Interview | 面试


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