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Sarthak Sharma for XenoX

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What are the last 3 books you read? πŸ“šπŸ€“

I'll go first. Here are my 3 recent-most reads:

  1. Indistractable - Well-researched insights complemented by some great anecdata from Nir Eyal. If you've read Hooked and enjoyed it, you'll definitely love this one. Huuuuge amount of actionable advice, and it also comes with a supplementary workbook to help you actually execute the advice.
  2. The Effective Executive - Peter F. Drucker is one of the most important names in management, and this book is clear proof of why. The advice in this book is still relevant as ever. The book teaches you how to effectively manage yourself first; that's where the heart of management lies.
  3. Principles: Life and Work - Timeless classic that I had heard a lot about and finally got around to reading it. It was worth every minute. I now know what the hype was all about.

All three were great, high-value books for me. So what were your last 3 reads?

And if you're stuck and wondering how to pick your next book, check out this article by my friend Utkarsh.

Find all the books I read here.

Latest comments (63)

sarahelen123 profile image
Sarah Helen


arva_naseer_8be6d5cfb5b24 profile image
Arva Naseer

What an insightful lineup of reads! Your choices reflect a diverse range of knowledge and wisdom. "Indistractable" seems like a treasure trove of practical advice, especially with the added workbook for actionable steps. Peter F. Drucker's "The Effective Executive" holds timeless truths, emphasizing the essence of self-management in effective leadership. As for "Principles: Life and Work," it's fantastic that it lived up to the hype, proving to be a timeless classic. Your succinct summaries and genuine enthusiasm make me eager to dive into these titles. Thanks for the recommendations, and I'll definitely be checking out the article by Utkarsh for some guidance on my next literary adventure! Happy reading! eComFist

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stella jones

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stella jones • Edited

Books should really be read by a person because from it we get to learn things that we have never learned before. I am impressed by your post, so I suggest you to try this essential hoodie as the latest fashion.

hugertown profile image

In fact, there are really a lot of good books and it's hard to say which ones are the best. But I do know that one of the best is of course Hysteria in the Crucible , as it is really a historical work that makes a tough description. Therefore I can say that click this site , therefore I personally recommend to read here the necessary essays and to learn a lot of new things for yourself concerning just this very work.

ns23 profile image
Nitesh Sawant

β€’ Soft skills : software developer life manual

β€’ A million thoughts

β€’ Tuesday with moorie

rafh profile image
Rafael Heard
  1. The Hike: A Novel - Drew Magary
  2. Children of Virtue and Vengeance - Tomi Adeyemi
  3. The Postmortal - Drew Magary
dansaki profile image
Daniel Saki

Only one book: The CPP Workshop
And it's awesome!

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

The Little Prince, Timeline by Crichton, and The Luckiest Day of Your Life (CYOA Series).

bhavinsen profile image
Bhavin Sen

Lords of the Rings

  • The Fellowship of the Ring
  • The Two Towers
  • The Return of the King
joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR πŸ₯‡

100 Mathematics concepts
100 Physic concepts
100 Psychology concepts

kiranjd profile image

4DX: The four disciplines of execution
The Clean Coder by Robert C. Martin
Everything is Fucked by Mark Mansion - Wouldn't recommend this

hassan_dev91 profile image

those be great! thanks for you offers :)

my 3 last books that i read those:

1 - Inside the machine by Jon Stockes
2 - Think Like a Programmer by V. Anton Spraul
3 - Thinking Skills by John Butterworth and Geoff Thwaites

electronrecord profile image
Cristian Gherghel
  1. The undoing project - Michael Lewis
  2. Why we sleep - Matthew Walker
  3. Deep Work - Cal Newport
courtneypure profile image
C. Pure

I’m currently reading:

Creativity- Flow and the Philosophy of Discovery and Invention by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Saga Volume 2

FukuFuku Kitten Tales 1&2

I love reading really intense nonfiction sprinkles with comics, manga and graphic novels. πŸ˜