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Yajindra Gautam
Yajindra Gautam

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Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences

Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences

A sentence is a list of words that are separated by a single space with no leading or trailing spaces.

You are given an array of strings sentences, where each sentences[i] represents a single sentence.

Return the maximum number of words that appear in a single sentence.

Example 1:

Input: sentences = ["alice and bob love leetcode", "i think so too", "this is great thanks very much"]
Output: 6
- The first sentence, "alice and bob love leetcode", has 5 words in total.
- The second sentence, "i think so too", has 4 words in total.
- The third sentence, "this is great thanks very much", has 6 words in total.
Thus, the maximum number of words in a single sentence comes from the third sentence, which has 6 words.

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Example 2:

Input: sentences = ["please wait", "continue to fight", "continue to win"]
Output: 3
Explanation: It is possible that multiple sentences contain the same number of words. 
In this example, the second and third sentences (underlined) have the same number of words.

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  • 1 <= sentences.length <= 100.
  • 1 <= sentences[i].length <= 100
  • sentences[i] consists only of lowercase English letters and ' ' only.
  • sentences[i] does not have leading or trailing spaces.
  • All the words in sentences[i] are separated by a single space.

The approach I have used here is the simplest, first I splice() it user forEach loop to fetch a sentence and spit it to count the words in it. Then compare it with temp.
If sentence length is greater than the temp then I keep swiping the value until the maximum word is found.

The code is given below :

var mostWordsFound = function(sentences) {
     const splitedArray = sentences.splice(',');
    let temp = 0;
    splitedArray.forEach((sentance, i) => {
        if(sentance.split(' ').length > temp){
              temp = sentance.split(' ').length;

    return temp;
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Time Complexity: O(n)

Space Complexity: O(1)

Following is my code runtime and memory usage.

Image description

Runtime And Memory Usage

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