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hiroaki yamashita
hiroaki yamashita

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Let's learn WebP before introduce it

What's the WebP

WebP is a powerful image format developed by Google that prioritizes both smaller file sizes and high image quality.
Launched in 2010, it's recently gained significant traction due to:

Internet Explorer's Retirement (June 2022)

Previously, Internet Explorer's lack of WebP support hindered its adoption. With its discontinuation, WebP has become a viable option for websites seeking faster loading times.

SEO and User Experience Benefits

Smaller image sizes translate to faster page loads, a crucial factor for both search engine ranking and user experience.

Image description

Advantages of WebP

Reduced File Size

Compared to JPEG, WebP offers 20-80% smaller file sizes while maintaining similar image quality. This significantly improves website loading speed.

Minimal Quality Loss

WebP utilizes advanced compression techniques that minimize image quality degradation.

Supports Transparency

Unlike JPEG, WebP offers lossless compression with transparency, similar to PNG. This makes it ideal for graphics with transparent backgrounds.

Things to Consider with WebP

Limited Editing Software Support

While popular image editing software like Photoshop and Illustrator can't use WebP files, if these are old version.

Compatibility with Applications

WebP files might not be directly compatible with certain applications like Microsoft Office. By the way, it can't paste

Converting Images to WebP

There are several methods to convert images to WebP format:


This free web app by Google allows you to convert images directly in your browser without uploading them to a server.

This ensures security for sensitive content. (


This online service offers batch conversion, making it ideal for converting multiple images at once. (

Command Line

The official WebP website provides command-line tools for conversion.

This method offers greater control and automation but might be less user-friendly for beginners. (


By adopting WebP, you can significantly enhance your website's loading speed, improve user experience, and potentially boost your SEO ranking.

Remember to consider compatibility with other applications and editing software for a seamless workflow.

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