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Yash Tiwari
Yash Tiwari

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10 Free Udemy Courses For Beginners in 2023

Are you looking for free, high-quality courses to learn new skills or brush up on existing ones? Look no further! There are several free courses available on Udemy that cover a variety of topics, from web development to photography. These courses can help you advance your career and stay ahead of the competition. Let's get started, shall we? Take advantage of free Udemy courses today!

Free Online Udemy Courses

  1. HTML5 and CSS3 Fundamentals
  2. Git & GitHub Crash Course: Create a Repository From Scratch
  3. Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  4. How To Build And Make A Wordpress Website From Scratch
  5. Programming for Entrepreneurs - JavaScript
  6. Create Incredible Websites with HTML CSS
  7. CSS Flexbox - Mastering the Basics
  8. Get to know HTML Learn HTML Basics
  9. Introduction to Bootstrap 3
  10. Escalate Scala Training - Setup Instructions

1. HTML5 and CSS3 Fundamentals

HTML5 and CSS3 Fundamentals

In the world of technology, staying ahead of the curve is never an easy task. Learning HTML is one way to stay ahead. You will likely have a recipe for success if you learn HTML5 and CSS3 (the next level of web design used on all modern websites), and in this course, you'll learn how to do just that.

In this free Udemy course, you will learn:

  • Know how to use Html tags and build with the most common ones.
  • Learn the use of attributes and common settings.
  • Create CSS stylesheets that control your site design and set them up on your project site.
  • Understand how the elements go together to build each part of the site
  • Finish a complete typical website as part of your lessons.

In this course, beginners will learn how to create a website from the ground up using HTML5 and CSS3. As HTML5 has been around for several years now, it will only continue to be updated to keep up with the ever-changing web and remain the living standard of the language.

If you want to become proficient in HTML5 and CSS3, this course is the perfect place to start. With 35 lectures and 5 hours of content, you'll learn from the ground up by actually building a website from scratch. It's designed with complete beginners in mind, so no prior knowledge is required!

2. Git & GitHub Crash Course: Create a Repository From Scratch

Learn Git & Github

Git is a powerful and popular versioning tool widely used by developers. Starting can be challenging since there's a lot to learn, and people assume you know everything. This tool is powerful and well-known, so it's worth learning.

In this free Udemy course, you will learn:

  • Create your first repository.
  • Clone it to your computer and add files.
  • Push your changes to GitHub.
  • Learn how to see differences between old and new files.
  • Learn how to do all of this on the command line, as if you were deploying code on a live server.

This course will show you how to utilize Git, GitHub, and the associated developer terminology such as cloning, staging, committing, pushing, and diff efficiently. You'll understand why Git is so widely used and powerful. The course is perfect for web developers who want to learn Git and GitHub.

3. Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Learn Wordpress

This course will teach you how to improve your core Web development skills, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, by guiding you through the process of building a Quiz application without relying on libraries or frameworks.

In this free Udemy course, you will learn:

  • ES6 JavaScript features like arrow functions, the spread operator, const and let, and template literal string.
  • How to use the Fetch API to load trivia questions from an API.
  • How to store high scores in Local Storage.
  • How to use Flexbox, Animations, and REM units in CSS.
  • How to create a progress bar from scratch.
  • How to create a spinning loader icon from scratch.

This course is designed for beginners or intermediate Web Developers who want to learn core Web Development skills. In this course, you will learn how to develop a Quiz App using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

4. How To Build And Make A Wordpress Website From Scratch

Learn WordPress

If you're looking to create a website, this course is an ideal place to start. Whether you're a self-starter or a novice web developer looking to build sites for others, you'll find all the information you need here. It'll teach you the fundamentals of the WordPress platform and the Elementor page builder plugin, plus everything in between.

In this free Udemy course, you will learn:

  • Build their own website from scratch.
  • Master Wordpress.
  • Master Elementor page builder.
  • Own a beautiful and successful website.

The course will equip you with an advanced understanding and knowledge of building and creating websites in general, specifically Wordpress websites.You will learn how to build a successful responsive WordPress website without any coding knowledge!

5. Programming for Entrepreneurs - JavaScript

Learn JavaScript

JavaScript, which initially began as a web scripting language, is now used for various development purposes, including web, game, mobile app, server, and database development. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the basics of JavaScript programming and is the quickest way to master the language. Whether the objective is to create websites, HTML5 games, and apps or server-side programming, a solid grounding in the fundamentals of JavaScript is indispensable to ensure success.

In this free Udemy course, you will learn:

  • Learn basic JavaScript.
  • Learn how to make interactive html pages/apps.

The initial section of the course covers the essentials of JavaScript and programming in general. The subsequent part of the course is based on projects and includes developing a client-side-only responsive dating app.

Some of the concepts you'll learn in this course:

  • Variables and strings
  • Functions
  • Working with Arrays
  • Objects and JSON
  • Conditional statements
  • Loops
  • Accessing the DOM
  • Working with events and user interaction
  • Putting it all together in a fun project

6. Create Incredible Websites with HTML CSS

Learn HTML & CSS

This course will help you learn how to create web pages with HTML and CSS. From the beginning, you'll get a thorough introduction to web development and be guided through each step of the process. With the skills you acquire, you'll be able to make stunning templates that showcase your creativity. This course is great for anyone looking to learn more about web development.

In this free Udemy course, you will learn:

  • Write HTML code.
  • Write CSS code.
  • Combine HTML and CSS.
  • Create a web template.
  • Create a website.
  • Style a website.
  • Create an HTML5 form.

Next, you will learn CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is a language that describes the style of an HTML document. It is used to define how a document is displayed, including elements such as font, color, size, and layout. Commonly used CSS properties include the box model, pseudo-classes, and more. A CSS project might be to turn an unordered list into a cool navigation menu.

7. CSS Flexbox - Mastering the Basics

CSS Flexbox

Forget about convoluted approaches to aligning elements with CSS and enter the world of Flexbox! This course is designed to help you learn the entire Flexbox module from the ground up, so you'll be able to utilize Bootstrap 4 for your projects since it is built on top of Flexbox. Master Flexbox and say goodbye to struggles with floats and vertical alignment!

In this free Udemy course, you will learn:

  • Build page layouts with ease.
  • Get started on learning Bootstrap 4.

It is necessary to have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS and know how to use a text editor like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Notepad++.

8. Get to know HTML Learn HTML Basics

HTML Basics

The foundation of the internet is HTML. You should learn HTML code before creating your web pages or creating HTML-formatted content. Therefore, the course provides an overview of all the common elements of HTML that go into front-end web design and development.

In this free Udemy course, you will learn:

  • Create HTML pages.
  • HTML structures to build web pages.
  • Understand how to create tags within HTML.
  • Use HTML elements select them and style them.

The course will teach you how to get started with HTML using all the resources and links you need. You will learn how to create and develop web pages.

9. Introduction to Bootstrap 3

Learn Bootstrap

This course provides an overview of Bootstrap 3's new features and how they differ from Bootstrap 2. Including examples and sample code, the components videos are short and to the point. Moreover, you can access all the sample projects on GitHub at any time.

In this free Udemy course, you will learn:

  • Become familiar with the basic features of Bootstrap 3.
  • Get to know the different components of version 3.
  • Explore some of the differences between V2.x and V3.x.
  • Harness the power of Bootstrap using LESS source files.
  • See how you can use Bootstrap with Rails 4.
  • Learn how to define a simple color scheme using the 1pxdeep tool.

Upon completion, you will learn about the grid system, responsive utilities, and mixins in Twitter Bootstrap 3.

10. Escalate Scala Training - Setup Instructions

Learn Scala

This course will give you the necessary instructions to prepare for the Scala Applied and Advanced courses offered by Escalate Software. It will teach you how to run Activator, Scala, and a Scala IDE such as IntelliJ IDEA.

In this free Udemy course, you will learn:

  • Set up your development machine for working on Scala.
  • Use an IDE to create and edit Scala language projects.

This setup course is designed to help individuals interested in getting a working Scala development environment or those taking the Scala Applied or Advanced courses. It includes reference slides and an example exercise project to test that the environment is working.

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