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Fixing Open Source Sustainability Through Tech Recruiting

Hi everyone! We’re Yavuz and Yasin, co-founders of TalentNode, a platform for funding open source projects via tech recruiting.

Companies currently pay recruitment agencies and platforms hefty fees to source software engineers, while the open source community, one of the best sources of developer talent, struggles to find sustainable funding sources. TalentNode is an attempt at solving both problems, by enabling companies to find high caliber engineers, and distributing 50+% of revenue to top-voted open-source projects. We’re launching with a job board, but plan on eventually offering agency services, where placement fees can amount to $10 - 40k per hire.

We’ve received generally positive feedback from developers and employers over the last few weeks, and would like to gather more feedback from the broader community. An early version/prototype can be found at, and we’re still brainstorming through several approaches for simplifying the vetting process and allocating funds to open source projects. Let us know what you think -- all feedback would be greatly appreciated.

A little about ourselves: Yavuz is based in Europe and has recently participated in Tim Draper’s accelerator program after working in the VC and recruitment industries. Yasin is an engineer based in the Bay Area, with experience at a couple of startups.

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