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Subtle Beauty in Keeping it Simple

As I continue my long journey into transitioning into a software engineer, the fact of keeping things simple seem to always confront me. I currently work as a Medical Laboratory Technician in a hospital. It is a moderately complex job that is simplified by modern technology. However, it can be a hellish nightmare if you don't mind your p's and q's. As long as you stay consistent and organize a monkey could probably do it at its core. With that being said, it is the simplicity of staying consistent and organized that make the wheel keep turning.

As a new developer still getting my 'sea legs' its something that I realize more and more everyday. My default mode is always to find the most elegant and efficient way of doing this the firs time so I won't have to go back later. I realize that this is not the best of habits. Simply put, I am learning and the last thing I should be figuring at this point is elegance. My focus should be on figuring out how to make my code work. That includes breaking it to fix and really understand it. It feels really silly to say but its a lesson that I have learned in the recent weeks that has given me much less of a headache.

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