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Technical Stupidity I Overcame Learning Redux

Learning React and Redux has been a quite the experience so far. For about 3 weeks I muddled my way through the docs that were as clear as sin, but I just didn't understand. The first of which was the concept of dispatch. To me simply writing the code out "dispatching" the action was the way things worked, not realizing that connect was a the major component that I had forgotten all about. You may be asking yourself, "There are nice and clear docs that explain everything in detail, didn't you read them?". Short answer is yes, but my perception was to just emulate the examples and not necessarily read to understand. That is clearly a mistake that cost me a lot time and headache that thankfully learned from. The next mistake was not learning what it means to dispatch and action. Dispatching on a very simplistic level is calling a predefined action that returns an object that, at minimum, returns an action type. However, when dispatching you chain action together and pull data from different sources and pass the data to the action. After, the action data is parsed it is based to the reducer. Reducers are are pure functions that take the stores previous state and an action to gives the next state. A pure function is a function that non-destructive function that, if given the same parameters, give the exact same results every time. The way I overcame my ignorance and learned the path in which it functions was the use of debuggers and signal traced. Every where I could think to use a debugger I place it to follow every piece of data to first see that I was receiving data, then see how to manipulate the data for usage.

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