Hey all!
I recently joined a new team and we do most of our work with Kotlin.
It looks like a great language to work with, and I'm looking for resources to help me ramp up.
Something for someone familiar with programming concepts, and looking to ramp up on the Kotlin specifics, conventions, and best practices.
I'm a hands-on learner, and I learn best by trying thongs out and breaking them, so those are the resources I'm mostly looking for.
Something like Go's A Tour Of Go.
Any ideas?
Top comments (13)
Kotlin Koans are the best!
I've also been working through Atomic Kotlin (atomickotlin.com/exercises/) - Bruce Eckel collaborated with Svetlana (JetBrains/Kotlin developer advocate) on this and it is very recent.
Also a fan of Kotlin Cookbook which is very concise (but requires some prior knowledge)
In case useful - I created a kotlinfyi tag to start documenting my Kotlin exploration and hope to be doing this regularly in Nov.
Awesome, thanks for doing that!
If you do any exploration or write up anything please do feel free to use the tag and I would love to amplify.
I love kotlin now and am excited to start diving into all things 1.4. Hoping to review all talks from their recent event here. Covers a lot of what is to come next as well.
Heres a few good resources.
Kotlin Tutorial
Kotlin Tutorial For Beginners [Full Course] Learn Kotlin For Android Development
Kotlin Course - Tutorial for Beginners
Wow! Those look great!
Thanks for putting that together!
I have learned Kotlin (mostly as a part of Android Development) and the two best books I have found are:
Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) 4th Edition ( amzn.to/31MeaLM ) All code is in Kotlin
Kotlin Programming, The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (amzn.to/35ArYKz)
This may not be what you're looking for, but the best resource for me was Android Studio's "convert file to Kotlin" button in the context menu. I could write a file in Java and it would convert instantly and almost flawlessly to Kotlin, and then I could read the file and learn a ton about Kotlin idioms and syntax. Also, when I copied some Java code from Stack Overflow into a Kotlin file, it would convert it to Kotlin automatically. Since Java has far more documentation and code samples online, these were pretty essential to my Kotlin project.
I think I have written about this topic, let me see ....
Best ways to learn Kotlin in 2020: browser vs IDE, books vs tutorials, for newbies and Java devs
Jean-Michel Fayard 🇫🇷🇩🇪🇬🇧🇪🇸🇨🇴 ・ Dec 15 '19 ・ 6 min read
... and this to discover Kotlin libraries
A playground to gain a wider and deeper knowledge of the libraries in the Kotlin ecosystem. Also the official sample for gradle refreshVersions.
Kotlin Libraries Playground
A playground to gain a wider and deeper knowledge of the libraries in the Kotlin ecosystem
Also the official sample for gradle refreshVersions
We want to collect sample usage of Kotlin libraries, and the more the better!
You are very welcome to contribute your own library sample.
There are great resources to learn Kotlin.
But once you master the language, you are not done just yet.
You now face another challenging task: become familiar with its ecosystem of libraries.
With time, you want to both acquire:
There are several inefficient ways to do that:
Nice! Thanks!
It seems you already have awesome material, I also like to follow Kotlin Vocabulary from Android Developers Channel. You can always sign up for the Kotlin Weekly mailing list, follow Kotlin on twitter, they drop some useful tips from time to time and participate with the community joining Kotlin Slack
My google searches usually lead me here - baeldung.com/category/kotlin/
This might be more along the lines of what you are looking for - play.kotlinlang.org/koans/overview
That looks awesome! Thanks!
I think this link can help u: github.com/KotlinBy/awesome-kotlin
It's helped me a lot, when I started to learn Kotlin.