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Yonatan Karp-Rudin
Yonatan Karp-Rudin

Posted on • Originally published at on

Kotlin Code Smell 21 - Mocking Business


  • Complexity

  • False sense of security.

  • Parallel/Paired objects (real and mocks) can lead to maintainability issues.

  • Maintainability


  • Mock just non-business entities.

  • Remove the mock if its interface has too much behavior.

Sample Code


class PaymentTest {
    fun `process payment should return true on successful payment`() {
        val paymentDetails = mapOf(
            "amount" to "100",
            "currency" to "USD",
            "cardNumber" to "1234567890123456",
            "expiryDate" to "12/20",
            "cvv" to "123"

        // We should not mock a business object
        val payment = mockk<Payment>()
        every { payment.process(any(), any()) } returns true

        // This is an external and coupled system.
        // We have no control on it so tests might be fragile
        val authorizeNet = AuthorizeNetAIM(Payment.API_ID, Payment.TRANSACTION_KEY)

        val result = payment.process(authorizeNet, paymentDetails)

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


class PaymentTest {
    fun `process payment should return true on successful payment`() {
        val paymentDetails = mapOf(
            "amount" to "100",
            "currency" to "USD",
            "cardNumber" to "1234567890123456",
            "expiryDate" to "12/20",
            "cvv" to "123"

        val payment = Payment()

        // External system is mocked
        val response = Response(approved = true, transactionId = "1234567890")
        val authorizeNet = mockk<AuthorizeNetAIM>()
        every { authorizeNet.authorizeAndCapture() } returns response

        val result = payment.process(authorizeNet, paymentDetails)

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  • Mocking accidental problems (serialization, databases, APIs) is a very good habit to avoid coupling.


Mocks, like other test doubles, are valuable tools. Using them judiciously is an art.

Imagine a play in which each actor, instead of rehearsing with other actors, had to interact with 25 scriptwriters. The actors would never rehearse together. How would the result of the play be?

I hope you enjoyed this journey and learned something new. If you want to stay updated with my latest thoughts and ideas, feel free to register for my newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn or Twitter. Let's stay connected and keep the conversation going!


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