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Youssef Zidan
Youssef Zidan

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Overriding Bootstrap 4 Theme.

In this shot, we will show you how to override the default Bootstrap theme with our own custom theme variables.

Bootstrap theme files

First, we need to understand how Bootstrap 4 theme files work. So, after installing Bootstrap 4 via NPM

npm i bootstrap@4
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navigate to the node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss file.

We will not make our modifications inside this file we will just take a quick look to understand how Bootstrap works and then we will make our modification in a proper way.

In this file, we will find every variable used in Bootstrap.
Scrolling down we will see some pre-defined color variables:


$blue: #007bff !default;
$indigo: #6610f2 !default;
$purple: #6f42c1 !default;
$pink: #e83e8c !default;
$red: #dc3545 !default;
$orange: #fd7e14 !default;
$yellow: #ffc107 !default;
$green: #28a745 !default;
$teal: #20c997 !default;
$cyan: #17a2b8 !default;
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And then it uses the following variable with its theme variables:

$primary: $blue !default;
$secondary: $gray-600 !default;
$success: $green !default;
$info: $cyan !default;
$warning: $yellow !default;
$danger: $red !default;
$light: $gray-100 !default;
$dark: $gray-800 !default;
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After that, it creates an SCSS Map:

$theme-colors: () !default;
$theme-colors: map-merge(
    "primary": $primary,
    "secondary": $secondary,
    "success": $success,
    "info": $info,
    "warning": $warning,
    "danger": $danger,
    "light": $light,
    "dark": $dark,
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Overriding Bootstrap 4 theme

In your root .sass file

// Required
@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/functions";
@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables";

// Adding/Overriding Colors
$theme-colors: map-merge(
    "secondary": #ddc22b,
    "tertiary": #e059c3,
    "quaternary": #25a1a1,

// Overriding/Adding Spacers
$spacers: map-merge(
    10: $spacer * 10,
$sizes: map-merge(
    10: 10%,
    90: 90%,

// Bootstrap and its default variables
@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
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Spacing and Sizes


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