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Yusuf Isah
Yusuf Isah

Posted on • Originally published at

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Git


Welcome to the Git series! In this chapter, we will introduce Git, a powerful version control system widely used in software development. Understanding Git is essential for managing code and collaborating with other developers efficiently.

Table of Contents

What is Git?

Git is a distributed version control system created by Linus Torvalds (the same person who created the Linux operating system) in 2005. Let's break down this definition by shedding more light on two terms; "distributed" and "version controll". "Distributed", in the context of this definition means that the version history of your codebase is stored on every developer's machine, rather than on a single central server. This allows multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously, without relying on a single point of failure (the central server). "Version control" refers to the process of tracking and managing changes made to your codebase over time. Version control is very important because it helps you keep track of:

  • What changes were made

  • Who made the changes

  • When the changes were made

  • Why the changes were made (through commit messages)

Version control systems like Git allow you to:

  • Revert to previous versions of your code if needed

  • Compare changes between different versions

  • Collaborate with others on the same codebase

Thus, Git is a powerful tool for managing code repositories and collaborating with others.

Differences Between Centralized and Distributed Version Control Systems

Centralized Version Control Systems Distributed Version Control Systems
Store version history on a single central server Store version history on every developer's machine
Clients check out and commit changes to the central server Changes are committed locally, then pushed to a remote repository
Examples: Subversion (SVN), Perforce Examples: Git, Mercurial

Installing Git

To start using Git, you need to install it on your computer. The installation process varies depending on the platform you are using.

Installation Process on Various Platforms


  • Debian/Ubuntu:
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt install git
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  • Fedora:
  sudo dnf install git
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  • Arch Linux:
  sudo pacman -S git
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To install Git on Windows:

  • Download the installer from the official Git website.

  • Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. You can leave the default settings as they are.


To install Git on Mac, you can use Homebrew or Xcode Command Line Tools:

  • Homebrew
  brew install git
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  • Xcode Command Line Tools:

Open your terminal and run:

  xcode-select --install
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In this chapter, we introduced Git, a powerful and widely used version control system. We covered the basics of version control, the differences between centralized and distributed systems, and the installation process for various platforms. With Git installed, you're ready to start managing your code efficiently and collaborating with others.

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