DEV Community

Alexander Zaxarov
Alexander Zaxarov

Posted on

What is the best communication tool to create a creative community around your brand/institution?

I'm thinking about Slack, Discord, WeChat Groups? Any other ideas?

Some important factors:

  • export user data
  • visual customization
  • barrier to entry
  • free plan


Top comments (3)

sampathbalivada profile image
Sai Sampath Kumar

Out of all Slack seems to be good. We use Slack for our Student Community and it's by far the best. If we are conferencing, we move to discord for that scene. Else we are good with Slack for the most part.

zaxarovcom profile image
Alexander Zaxarov

Hi Sai, how big is your student community? And what about the limit of 10K messages on Slack?

sampathbalivada profile image
Sai Sampath Kumar

We have a global slack with nearly 1K students and another 150(approx.) for our local community.