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Blue Ocean

We're now deep into the Blue Ocean.

My assignment was the logo, and as I write over the last couple of posts, that's pretty much tied up now.

I joined our group today unsure of what was coming next for me. It was a little unsettling feeling so detached from the rest of the group. From my perspective, I was working on a pretty siloed part of the project (svgs and animations) while my teammates were working on parts of the project that were more inter-related.

I felt like I was floating. I spent some time asking around and getting a sense of what others were up to and where I could contribute. It's a tough question -- and kind of weird. I'm a big believe that sometimes there are just too many cooks in the kitchen. Two people doing the work of one can be less efficient than just the one. I've also come to appreciate that that's not always the case. But I want to avoid a situation where just getting up to speed on some part of the project impedes that work.

Well, I started think about the extras. I have a strong team of solid communicators. They're getting things squared away _ I trust that. So what are some of our stretch goals?

It was a good lead and it ultimately led me to my new assignment: displaying the search results in an embedded google map. It's one of our client's asks and our team has the bandwidth for it. And it's great practice for me - working out of a teammates code and integrating a third-party API.

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