I am not a fan of ChatGPT. I never really bought into the hype and when I originally tried it out way back when and just found it less useful than google for my needs. Instead of helping me to improve it would just spitg out generic stuff that didn’t really help me and would often be wrong. Though for my students it did help them to write their essays without learning =/ (do not go to the subreddit for ChatGPT). So my initial experience with it was definitely underwhelming.
But recently and I came across a “prompt” that I thought might be useful especially with my current plan it was this
I need to build a [project name]. Help me plan this project. You should ask me questions about my project and each time I respond, you should ask me more questions if appropriate.
It seemed simple enough (and more importantly useful) that I thought I might try it out and maybe change my mind about ChatGPT
So after the prompt this was the first reply CGPT sent. A good list of questions to help me plan out what I wanna do. A problem I have in my planning before I get to coding is that I find it sooooo boring. I have the idea in my head of how I want it to work and look and cant wait to actually start coding. All the stuff that I should plan and sort out before hand I have a fuzzy idea which often leads to roadblocks down the line.
The first set of questions were general and easy to answer. Most of these were basic and stufff that I had already thought of in general but it was good to put them in writing.
I answered these and was given another set of questions.
The second set of questions were a mixed bag some of them I found as quite useful for example from the first question I came up with a new idea for how the game should be set up a the rules around a match. But some I found as not important for now or this stage of the planning for example questions 7, 8 and 9. 8 and 9 were not that useful yet because I should be focusing on the core gameplay features and rules before trying to add in power-ups. Question 7 wasn’t useful as I stated in a reply to a previous question that I wouldn’t be focusing on mobile for now (I only have experience with wechat mini-apps). So this maybe means that it is not recording my answers to previous questions
After answering these questions I added at the end that after the next set of questions i would like CGPT to draw up an outline to make this project in the month of august.
The last set of questions went a bit deeper into it and gave some very good questions. Some I didnt have any answers for. For example question 4 about anti-cheating, this is something that tha.at if you are playing a game you should really think about but I ofcourse hadn’t even got to that stage. The thought of cheating hadnt crossed my mind yet.
After I thought a bit a gave my answers CGPT returned with what I thought was a very well detailed
CGPT split up the month of august into 5 phases with 3-4 bullet points each on what to focus on to progress my app. It also included a bonus stretch goals area. Now this was all well and good but for me and what I had envisioned it was a bit too much. I as a single lower level developer working on my own with other commitments know I wouldn’t be able to do all of this within the time frame provided. I especially thought the first phase wouldn’t be able to spend much time at (design is my kryptonite). With that in mind I switched gears and asked for a MVP outline
This was muuuuuch better. It didn’t give me the same amount of detail but what it did give me was a very clear guide of where to focus my energy to get the project done within the timeframe.
I am still not sold fully on ChatGPT, but I will admit this is something I can make use of. The questions will help me to pin down some areas that are a bit too fuzzy. Especially if I answer them with more details. But the killer part for me is the MVP outline giving me a clear plan of action on how to build out my project.
Something I will need to sort out for future planning sessions is working on how to do deployment also.
Anyways if you read this poorly structured post I thank you. They will get better as a write more (I hope)
Tomorrow is the day to start augusts build wish me luck.
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