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What is real time communication?

Real-time communication (RTC) is the norm from business to daily interactions. Thanks to Internet technology, it has become as rapid as it is nowadays.

But let’s first clarify what real-time communication is and how it evolved over time.


Real-time communication is a type of communication that occurs in real-time, therefore immediate and instantaneous. Examples include phone calls, video conferencing, instant messaging, and online gaming. It happens in the present moment and allows for quick feedback and response, resulting in more interactive and engaging conversations.

A more technical insight would describe it as the simultaneous exchange of information over any type of telecommunications service from the sender to the receiver in connection with negligible latency. It is actually low latency, the technology behind everything the Internet world enables in real-time, from video calls to live to stream.

In general, RTC is enabled by:

– technologies that end users interface with, i.e., the web and mobile applications

– technologies that enable communication on the backend, i.e., APIs and the cloud

Evolution of Real-time communication

Until not long ago, we could experience the immediacy of SMS texting and voice calls via cell phone. Initially, these services were quite costly and required a SIM card, a good signal, and a decent device.

Enormous changes have been made since those days, and the increased popularity of real-time communication is due to the rise of technology and the internet. With the advent of new forms of digital communication, real-time interactions have become more accessible than ever.

Take VoIP, Voice over Internet Protocol, also known as IP telephony. Voice chat and voice calls have been completely changed and are highly accessible. Calling someone now is cheap, and people can choose from many apps and services. The same applies to instant messaging and video calls.

Social media have further pushed the edges of real-time communication. All of our interactions are immediate, from likes to comments. Furthermore, social media applications allow instant messaging, calls, and video calls.

Applications of RTC

Real-time communication can be used for various purposes, from business meetings to social interactions. It allows for more efficient and effective communication, as it eliminates the need for long delays between messages. This makes it easier to stay on top of conversations and keep track of important information.

Examples of real-time communications include:

  • Voice over landlines and mobile phones
  • VoIP
  • Instant messaging
  • Online Gaming
  • Video and teleconferencing
  • Live-streaming for purposes such as events and e-commerce
  • Robotic telepresence

This list is not exhaustive, but it gives the idea of how communication as a whole has been dramatically changed. By seeing and hearing each other in real-time despite the distance, people can better understand each other’s emotions and reactions. This can help build stronger relationships and foster better understanding between people.

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Real-time communication impact on business

RTC also provides timely information, service, or sales engagement. Business needs an immediate response to satisfy clients’ needs. Customer services are a great example of how big of an impact real-time communication has, especially for information transmission.

Excellent and fast Internet connections have made possible the creation and use of a new generation of business apps. Customers can chat, call, and interact directly through voice messages delivered over a Voice API within the apps. ZEGOCLOUD offers a reliable and high-quality SDK solution for these scenarios.

Another significant achievement is the measures that push context-important data to agents, such as customer texts or calls, which can streamline the assistance procedure. This avoids one of the biggest hurdles of communication, which is repeating over and over to different agents.

Downsides of real-time communication

However, real-time communication also has its drawbacks. Most of these derive from technical aspects. If we consider video conferencing, despite tremendous advances that have been made, it can still be **challenging **to keep up with conversations. When multiple people are involved, keeping track of who said what can be tricky.

Additionally, there are nontechnical issues. Real-time communication, in fact, can be distracting, as people may be tempted to multitask or become easily distracted by other things going on around them. Overall, real-time communication is a powerful tool that can be used to improve communication and build stronger relationships. However, it is essential to remember that it is not without drawbacks and should be used cautiously.

The future of RTC

The future of RTC is an exciting prospect.

Thanks to the advent of 5G technology, the possibilities for real-time communication are endless. Indeed, this technology enables faster data speeds and more reliable connections, allowing for more efficient and instant communication. Users can send and receive data in real-time without lag or delay. 5G technology will also reduce latency, the time it takes for data to travel from one point to another. This will allow for a more stable signal and better-quality audio and video calls.

Finally, 5G technology will enable more secure real-time communication. With improved encryption and authentication protocols, users can be sure that their data is secure and private. This will be especially important for businesses that rely on real-time communication to conduct sensitive operations or share confidential information.

Real-time communication became crucial, especially in the last years of the pandemic. With the rise of remote work, it is essential to stay connected with colleagues, clients, and relatives far apart. This means that constant improvement of real-time communication will be especially beneficial for remote workers who rely on real-time communication to stay connected with their colleagues and clients. RTC also contributes to more efficient collaboration and problem-solving. The future of real-time communication promises to revolutionize how we communicate in the future.

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ZEGOCLOUD, shaping the future of RTC

ZEGOCLOUD is the world’s leading cloud real-time communication service provider.

Enabling enterprises and developers to easily and quickly obtain real-time audio and video communication capabilities with a single SDK, ZEGOCLOUD guarantees smooth, reliable audio and high-quality video experiences even in weak network conditions.

The company reached the first class in audio pre-processing, network adaptation, and cross-platform compatibility. Furthermore, they have built the MSDN, a massive and orderly self-learning data network, which enables their service to cover hundreds of interactive audio and video scenarios worldwide, with an average of 3 billion minutes of daily use.

To date, ZEGOCLOUD has successfully provided high-quality services to users in more than 200 countries to many leading customers in social, gaming, live-streaming, finance, education, medical, and intelligent hardware industries and fields.

ZEGOCLOUD products include SDKs, APIs, and UIKits for:

  • Video Call
  • Voice Call
  • Live Streaming
  • In-app Chat
  • Virtual Avatar
  • AI Effects
  • Cloud Recording
  • Analytics Dashboard

And much more. To find out, visit

As a top-level cloud communications provider, ZEGOCLOUD is committed to creating higher service value for the best real-time engagement experiences.

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