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Pavlo Zhmak
Pavlo Zhmak

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What I wish I knew when started working as software developer

I’m going to talk about things that sounds simple, but helps a lot when you realize them.

It’s okay to feel stupid and ask dumb questions

What happens when person due to the fear of looking dumb, does not ask questions? He will use his partial knowledge to continue doing his work, which will result in even bigger dumb mistakes. I would rather say that is one of the smartest thing you can do. It's okay to feel stupid because most of the things can be learned.

Take notes

Taking notes is like saying to your brain look there is something important. It helps you free you up from information overload and it helps you better organize your thoughts.

Whether it’s brainstorm session or just a discussion about new feature taking notes helps to keep your thoughts.

When you’re working on new feature for your project and find hard to start try to draw the structure of your implementation.

It's completely stupid to work 80-h work week

It’s hard to keep the fresh and focused state of mind when you keep working overtimes. It’s not good neither for you not your team. What can be the result of the person that feels burned out and stressed keep struggling on their work? In my mind that leads us to more issues.

Even hardworking Bill Gates typically gives himself Think Weeks, cloistered away twice a year, owns an island off Belize, vacations in Croatia, plays bridge and tennis to relax and reads in his palatial library.

It’s important to refresh your mind from time to time (take a vacation, have a walk after work etc.).

Everything can be done, but it comes at a price

When you feel something is not possible then try to ask yourself “why is that hard?” or try to break the issue on smaller blocks until you can see the price.

It’s important to understand the price to set priorities and decide whether it's really worth that price.

Overthinking is killing the process

From my perspective when we’re overthinking we letting creativity of the brain run over-time and dream up unrealistic scenarios in our head. That way we make simple things complicated and as a result it becomes harder to bring them to life.

What we need to do in order to escape that trap?

  • Understand whether it's small or big decision (overthinking every little decision can needlessly slow your productivity)
  • Focus on present moment (eliminate distractions and make effort not to loose focus).

Everyone is a little bit biased

Bias: prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another.

Having a bias doesn’t make you a bad person, but not recognizing biases that can lead to bad decisions.

Everyone have they own preference in the way he works and we need to be aware of that.

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