Laravel 8 is the upcoming new version which will probably be released on September 8th, 2020.
Taylor Otwell showed us a lot of features from Laravel 8 on Laracon Online.
I originally created a Twitter thread about it which you can refer to ๐๐ผ
Let's get started!
1- Models directory
Laravel 8 will include the Models
directory in the app
If you have a Models directory and you run artisan make:model
command it will place your Model class in that directory. But, if you don't have Models directory it will put your Model class inside app
directory as before.
2- Controller Router Namespacing
We used to have a $namespace
property in RouteServiceProvider
protected $namespace = 'App\Http\Controllers';
In Laravel 8, this hard-coded value will be removed so that you have full control over namespaces of your controllers.
This will not affect the upgrade process.
3- Improvements to Route Caching
php artisan route:cache
command is great for performance in production. There was one problem that it didn't allow us to cache closure
based routes. It was only meant for Controller based routes. It would throw an error even if you had one closure
based route. In Laravel 8, you will be able to cache closure based routes too.
4- Blade Components Attributes improvements
These improvements are especially related to Nested components.
For example you have a button
<button {{ $attributes }}>
{{ $slot }}
and we wanted to extend that, e.g. a dangerbutton
<x-button {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'bg-red']) }}>
{{ $slot }}
As you can see that dangerbutton
component is introducing its own attribute class to parent button
component. It helps you make extensible components and is now possible in Laravel 8.
5- Minor improvements in Event Listening
Previously if we had to listen for an Event we would do something like:
Event::listen(OrderCreated::class, function(OrderCreated $event){
As you can see we are providing event (OrderCreated) class at two places. In Laravel 8, this syntax is still valid. But, you can also just provide the callable
and type-hint the event you want to listen to:
Event::listen(function(OrderCreated $event){
6- Queueable Anonymous Event Listeners
Let's take an example of the Model created event listener inside booting method.
protected static function booting()
static::created(function(User $user){
Previously, there was no way to queue
this listener.
Laravel 8 introduces the very first namespaced function ๐ฒ called queueable which allows you to queue these event listeners.
Check it out:
use function Illuminate\Events\queueable; ๐ณ
protected static function booting()
static::created(queueable(function(User $user){
In next part, we will cover artisan down
command improvements coming to Laravel 8.
Top comments (3)
awesome โฅ