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Best Contentful CMS Alternative For China

Contentful Official Website


What is Contentful?

Contentful is a headless content management system (CMS). Headless CMS provides a way to create content that does not couple content to a specific output (such as web page rendering, such as writing articles on WordPress and posting them to a website). It provides a solution that content creators can more effectively write articles and and still allows developers to get content through APIs, which the content can then be delivered across channels.

Can Contentful be used in China?

Response from Contentful Team

This can be interpreted as: The Contentful team has no "solution" in China for now. For more information, please refer to the original post.

In addition, Contentful does not have a CDN node in mainland China and isn't formalized under China's content control laws. This means that it is impossible to use Contentful in a formal and smooth manner in China.

Contentful's Open Source Alternative

Strapi Official Website

What is Strapi?

Strapi is an open source headless content management system that was developed based on Javascript. It allows content creators to create content in a visual interface. It also allows developers to retrieve content through APIs to achieve cross-channel delivery.

21YunBox provides an alternative in China for Contentful. 21YunBox provides a one-click, operation and maintenance free Strapi Server solution for your needs.

How to Create a Strapi Server?

  1. Register as 21YunBox member
  2. Create a PostgreSQL database
  3. Fork Strapi Server startup template
  4. Create a cloud service on 21YunBox and allow 21YunBox to access your code base
  5. Create with the following configuration
Environment Node 12.19
Build Command yarn && yarn build
Start command yarn start

For your choice of configuration, Strapi official documentation suggests Use at least 2GB For servers with memory and 1 core CPU, if you choose a machine with less memory for deployment, the deployment may fail.

Click Advanced Configuration to configure environment variables

Environment Variable Key Environment Variable Value
NODE_ENV development
DATABASE_URL Click Database URL in the cloud database console
JWT_SECRET Randomly generate 32-bit characters
ADMIN_JWT_SECRET Randomly generate 32-bit characters

For the configuration of other environment variables, please refer to Strapi official document

Randomly generate 32-bit characters method:
Paste the following command on the command line:

echo $(base64 /dev/urandom | head -c32)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

After the Strapi Server is successfully deployed, you can go to service for access. When the deployment is successful, you will see the following effects.

Strapi Server Deployed Successfully

Other related blogs:

Why Choose 21YunBox?

21YunBox is a Cloud Service Platform based out of Beijing, China. We specialize in modern web hosting and automation solutions. This enables you to set up websites instantly.

Have questions about hosting and deploying in China? Let us know, we are happy to help!

To learn about the differences between 21YunBox and these foreign (outside of China) cloud service platforms, please refer to:

This article's content content originated here

For additional detail and future modifications, refer the original post.

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