DEV Community

David Bindloss for 2Kb Collective

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The 2Kb Collective

Starting a company and building something worthwhile has always been on my to-do list. But until now it's always had something abruptly insert itself over it as more and more things are added to my list of things that I have to do.

Never enough time. Never enough resources. Never enough coffee.

I guess the age old adage "The best time to start doing what you want was last week. The second best time is now." has finally gotten to me. With little to no resources, little to no time and the ability to consume my own weight in coffee has made way for 2kb collective.

The 2kb collective business was something that I've thought about for a long time. It involves everyone that has ever written code, ever deployed something to the internet. Ever had something go live and have people join it.

It's more than that though. It's a way of thinking.

I've been a programmer for nearly twelve years. I've seen my fair share of bad code, and good code. And an unfortunate consistent thread that I've noticed throughout all that time is the willingness of the individual to leave code 'as is' because it works. Or to employ some huge library to solve a relatively simple issue.

The internet is a huge and lumbering beast. A phenomenal amount of power is required to keep that beast ticking along. And as we know, not all of the power that we generate comes from green resources.

What if every developer decided to cut 2kb out of their code, I'm sure for the large part we could ALL find 2kb to lose. It's a tiny amount, but if enough people hear this message it could make a difference.

Be part of the difference.

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