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New job, what kind of projects should i put in CV?

I am frontend developer, work in Angular and ReactJS. I want to change my job, this is my first job and i worked here for 18 months. Every project that i worked on can't be displayed in CV because of an agreement.
So i have question for the community, what kind of projects should i do on my own in this technologies to put in my CV to get new better job?


Top comments (1)

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Jude Pineda • Edited

Have you been making personal projects on your days off work? You could always put those on your CV. If you haven't, you could definitely start working on these kinds of projects:

  1. Your portfolio website - As a front-end developer, a portfolio website would definitely give you an edge above other applicants. Try to make your site mobile-friendly for bonus points.
  2. A full CRUD web app - It could be anything (a Pokemon database, an appointment booking system...), as long as it involves storing something to a database. This would give you experience on back-end development if you also want to develop that functionality, and could be the first steps towards being a full-stack dev.
  3. A data visualization project - Big Data is making big advances nowadays. Try dipping your toes into this field by scraping publicly-accessible data (so you don't run into privacy issues) from a social networking site, or download a big dataset from the internet (like a list of Olympics winners). Use a nice visualization library to present that content on your framework of choice.
  4. A JavaScript quiz game - You know those Facebook quizzes that tell you what kind of animal you are based on your name? Try recreating those in your favourite framework. This sharpens your skills in DOM manipulation, and the scope of the complexity of your quiz is up to you - will you use cookies and sessions to save responses?