I'm pleased to share I'll be speaking at LondonCSS about the story of StyleStage and sharing tips on how to create your submission including a few new resources.
Join myself and fellow speakers Adam Argyle and Cassie Evans at LondonCSS, a free virtual meetup!
London CSS@londoncss
It's that time again folksβ¦ we're β¨stoked β¨to announce another edition of London CSS!
Get over to londoncss.dev and register for "Event 4: Endless Summer" for an evening of talks by these fantastic speakers:
@cassiecodes16:07 PM - 04 Sep 2020
Register to make sure you have the access info, and to check the even time for your timezone.
Hope to "see" you there! π I'll be sharing my slides and other resources on Twitter after the event.
Top comments (1)
Will be there :)))