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Let's take a break and discuss how developers spend the vacations?

Shahroz Nawaz on December 10, 2018

As we all know that long vacations are just around the corner. Let's discuss what plans do you have for spending this time. Are you still thinking to play with codes or spot the places to visit this vacations? :D

sudiukil profile image
Quentin Sonrel β€’

Same as the rest of my free time: I play video games and watch TV shows all day before complaining that I lack time to work on my side projects 😁

_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

Games are the real distraction for developers :D

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar β€’

Hmmm... working on side projects 😁

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’ was born this way πŸ˜„

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar β€’

Seems like has many cousins who are born this way πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

You know what I'm gonna open a topic about those stuff... let's see the community's holidays born projects πŸ˜†

_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

Yeah Dev has become a fabulous community :) What about you Ben? How will you spend holidays?

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

I’ll be spending my winter holidays around family and friends while mostly reading books so I don’t need to talk to them that much. πŸ˜„

_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

Great, So which side project you have planned this vacation?

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar β€’

They're never planned... they pop out of my mind at any second with eye glances thinking this is gonna change the world.

Eventually, they get into the to-be-done-in-the-afterlife πŸ˜‚

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rahucrux profile image
Rahul Mourya β€’

This is me.

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_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

Story of every developer i think. haha

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla) β€’

I go to work to let the people with kids and close, big families spend time with them. Our only mandatory days off are Dec 25th and Jan 1st, so I don't want to take all that PTO just to sit at home reading when there's going to be no work so I'll be reading in the office.

Which works until we have expectations to complete .4x the amount of work as normal when functionally there's only 1 QA in the office and 2 devs WFH the whole sprint. And those devs aren't the same the whole time, so it ends up being mostly people half finishing work then passing it on to someone else while I'm waiting for something to test.

xtrasmal profile image
Xander β€’ β€’ Edited

I'm 35 now, work as a lead software developer. I starting doing computer stuff(image/video editting/FX, networking and front/backend/hardware programming) from when I was 14. I spend most of my evenings and weekends writing or reading about code for as long as I can remember. As a kid I loved to play with crayons or set up armies of GI-joe figurines or read comics, visit the library. Cozy "me" time has always been very important. Now and then I go on holiday for a weekend to see friends abroad or rent a boat with friends to go out for a week of trailertrash booze pirating and sometimes I go with my girlfriend to see a foreign city. My girlfriend just had 2 weeks off chilling.
In a few days I start my 3 weeks holiday, and I'm planning to do what I have been doing whole my life: Feeding my urges to play, read and to create. I bought a book about Algorithms and one about Category theory, which I want to work through. There is also a game-engine which I want to try out.
So yeah.. that is how I just go through life and holidays :D
I wish you all a creative and fulfilling holiday!

loilo profile image
Florian Reuschel β€’

I used to play video games and when I'm bored of that write code for some side projects.

However now that I've got a wife and a toddler, I'll celebrate christmas and hang out with my inlaws like any other boring family does. πŸ˜πŸ‘

_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

you are going to spend typical vacations. well you can go out with them 😊

panditapan profile image
Pandita β€’ β€’ Edited

I always take vacations in Christmas so I always spend it with my family, eating, receiving and giving gifts and just having lots of fun with them. To me Christmas is the most important time of the year because I always have a lot of fun and I hope this year is the same!!


_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

Great, family comes first. You will have again a quality time with them.

ogfris profile image
Fris β€’

I don't take vacations, I don't need those. I got plenty of work to do like finishing some cool new stuff for, finish some animes and netflix shows that I have started but couldn't finish and yea that's all I guess.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel β€’

This year, I'm taking two weeks. The first one, I'm going to be in Mexico! The second, I will be at my parents' house in New Hampshire!

_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

Great, That will be the quality time with parents :)

sleepyfran profile image
Fran GonzΓ‘lez β€’

Well, I have exams on January, so I guess I'm going to be having tons of funs studying (/s) :D

_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

So, where are you going on this vacation? any spots decided?

thebouv profile image
Anthony Bouvier β€’

Catch up on reading, build/paint/play Warhammer 40k, extra time with kiddos, smattering of video games, find a quiet room and think about nothing.

_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

This line "find a quiet room and think about nothing." haha, How would you do that? :p

thebouv profile image
Anthony Bouvier β€’

It has always been a dream of mine to have a soundproof room in my house with only a really comfy recliner in it.

As for thinking about nothing -- my wife says it is a superpower of mine. Haha.

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cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks β€’

It's the Nothing Box!

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks β€’

24 just made it's way to Hulu, and my wife and I are planning on binge watching as much of it as we can!

_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

Binge? Is it a TV show or movie?

matthewbdaly profile image
Matthew Daly β€’

I have today and Tuesday off work... and I'm working on my PHP search client library.

_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

wow, where you will integrate that?

matthewbdaly profile image
Matthew Daly β€’

The concept is essentially for a consistent interface to numerous search services, similar to an ORM, by using swappable drivers. Currently working on the reference driver (Elasticsearch), but once that's done I'll start adding drivers for other search services, probably Algolia and Solr, and maybe TNTSearch too, as well as a null driver for testing. Also have in mind a couple of decorators for caching and logging.

Whether it'll ever see the light of day, or I'll use it on a personal project, I don't know, but I wanted to learn Elasticsearch anyway so it's a good way to force myself to pick that up.

laviku profile image
Lavinia β€’

Vacations? What's that? πŸ˜† Well when I have some available time I waste it watching YouTube videos of MUA or doramas

_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

Which doramas you like most btw? :p

laviku profile image
Lavinia β€’

My favorites until now are It's ok that's love and About time

andregce profile image
Andre Goncalves β€’

Got married this year, took 3 weeks off for honeymoon. No vacation left :(

_shahroznawaz profile image
Shahroz Nawaz β€’

That's sad :p

jsrn profile image
James β€’

I am going to be spending a whole bunch of time with my family, largely away from the internet.

It's gonna be pretty good.

matthewtrask profile image
Matthew Trask β€’

Im gonna cry and eat my feelings mostly.

phallstrom profile image
Philip Hallstrom β€’

If I'm spending time with my folks I find I trade tech support for pie and cinnamon rolls. Honestly, it's pretty great :)

paragoniescott profile image
Scott Arciszewski β€’

...the hell's a vacation?

I'll probably just play Destiny 2 and eat a good meal with my close friends. Nothing fancy.

fay_khattak profile image
Fayyaz Khattak β€’

Will be studying for exams! -_-