I was recently called to speak at a huge Brazilian conference called The Conf.
The whole point of the conference is to create content in English...
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Hey everyone! For those waiting for the next article in the series! It's already being written (about 60%) so I'll guess It'll come out by November 10th or something like this :)
Thank you all for your support and feedback <3
You did all the work for me 😅
I started to studying async/await and promises in JavaScript and ended up falling into a rabbit role of learning that led me to:
But it’s really laborious and the information is spread across the web.
This article is pure gold.
Thank you so much for writing it 😁
Thanks a lot for the words! I hope I can keep up with the expectations and write more like this in the future haha
As a C/C++ embedded software developer that recently got interested into cloud and web solutions - I would say your set of articles were a great help for me to understand the Node architecture and principles of operation. Great work!
Thanks a lot! It's so nice to know that my content is still helping people even this many years later :D
A bit late to the party but this is definitely one of the most informative articles I've ever read on Dev.to!!!
Thank you!
Great article, it definitely will help those who are looking for a deeper understanding of how Node works.
Thanks man! I hope to help as much people as I can :D
Ryan Dahl was already writing Nginx modules before he created nodejs. He even considered writing something on top of another language before choosing JavaScript. A major factor here was Google releasing V8 engine as open source
Wow! Really cool! I didn't know about this! Thanks a lot for sharing :D
Awesome post, Lucas!
It is very important to understand the reason of things.
Fortunately I came to your article just when I started studying Node.
Therefore, everything you explained serves as a map to start studying.
I await the next article.
Thank you very much from Argentina!
Hey Pablo! Thank you so much for your words :D I really appreciate it! I'll work hard to get the next article up and running by the end of this week or maybe in the beginning of the next one!
Hope you like it!
Thanks a lot, from Brazil!
Lucas Santos, thank you for this awesome article!)
The company I am working at, in January-February 2020 starts the open-source project for Node.js developers (microservices)!
Warm welcome🥳
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Great article! Very few people really know what goes on under node's hood until they have to actually implement some native modules for some specialized domain.
As a note, libuv is mostly written in C, not C++ (I think it was a typo tho :) ). There is a very didactic intro to it provided by the libuv team itself here: nikhilm.github.io/uvbook/An%20Intr.... You have to know some C first to use it but you don't need to be a specialist.
Awesome man! Thanks for the correction, will fix it as soon as possible :D
Great article. I'm looking forward to read the next one. Can't wait!!!!
Very good! 💯
Amazing article, for some reason i never read about the history of JS before , so is good to know it now.
Thanks for writing this article. It gives deeper understanding and behind the scenes of Node.js
The same time, there is a movement to create more content in Portuguese, because there's already a lot of English content XD
Exactly! That's why I translated this article to Portuguese as well :D
Very great article !
I don't understand all of what you write, so I will have to check again when less tired, but it's all great !
I hope November 10th will come sooner that it seems :D
Thanks for sharing, I'm waiting for the next article of this series.
Good summary and milestones highlighting
A very great article! I like how you describe the things chronologically yet still simple and easy to follow.
Waiting for the next article...
Great!! It was very deep! thanks :)
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Awsome blog discovering new topic related to javascript
Hey guys! The next article is here! dev.to/khaosdoctor/node-js-under-t...