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Mustapha Aouas

Technical writer, speaker & JS / TS developer — I like sharing what I know and learning what I don't 👨🏻‍💻 — Angular Lyon co-organizer


Epitech Paris - Master's degree in CS

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Trusted Member 2022
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4 Week Writing Streak
Mastering CSS: Understanding the Cascade

Mastering CSS: Understanding the Cascade

6 min read

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:where :is CSS?

:where :is CSS?

Comments 40
4 min read
Mesmerizing CSS art: Silence

Mesmerizing CSS art: Silence

Comments 9
1 min read
How to create an interactive donut chart using SVG

How to create an interactive donut chart using SVG

Comments 11
9 min read
I made a working Gameboy CSS art: try it out 🕹

I made a working Gameboy CSS art: try it out 🕹

Comments 11
5 min read
Mesmerizing animation using only CSS rotations 🧘‍♀️

Mesmerizing animation using only CSS rotations 🧘‍♀️

Comments 26
2 min read
Responsive images for better performance: Start using srcset and picture

Responsive images for better performance: Start using srcset and picture

Comments 5
5 min read
A deep dive into ES6 Classes

A deep dive into ES6 Classes

Comments 13
7 min read
A deep dive into Javascript Object properties

A deep dive into Javascript Object properties

4 min read
CSS Grid: 3 practical examples

CSS Grid: 3 practical examples

Comments 4
7 min read
Angular: Build more dynamic components with ngTemplateOutlet 🎭

Angular: Build more dynamic components with ngTemplateOutlet 🎭

Comments 6
5 min read
All you need to know about Angular animations

All you need to know about Angular animations

Comments 4
8 min read
7 Tips to boost your productivity as a web developer 🚀

7 Tips to boost your productivity as a web developer 🚀

Comments 28
4 min read