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Aadesh Shrestha
Aadesh Shrestha

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Beginning Vim

For a long time, I had been "thinking" of learning vim. The first thing I tried was 'vimtutor' which was quite easy to get started with but at the same time, I could not grasp all the things taught in it. The very mistake I made in going through vimtutor was trying to learn all the commands at the same time. And also it was due to my keyboard layout (colemak). The k, l, h, j keys are quite not in vim "order"

After completing the vimtutor I tried using vim but with no success. I kept getting stuck at small tasks like copy and paste, changing modes. After using for some "hours" I got this feeling of being less productive. So I eventually gave up the idea of "learning" vim.

Few months later I again had this hunger for learning vim. To make sure that I don't give up like the last time, I asked couple of my friends( Swojeet and Rabin ) to try and learn vim together. We printed the vim cheatsheet and also learned few vim configurations. Now after 2 months of using vim with the minimum configuration as possible, I can confidently say that I'm quite comfortable with VIM. I'm still a long way to be able to do things like pro but I understand that it'll take time.

If you are also trying to learn vim and are stuck in exit, you should get a friend with whom you can learn it.

Vim Configuration

Looking forward for suggestions.

Top comments (10)

jorinvo profile image

Learning vim is a hard but rewarding challenge :) Glad to see you manage to overcome the first hurdle!
As you are comfortable with the basics, I recommend having a look at this answer here. You might have understood this already, but I recommend everyone that uses vim to have a look at this to make sure they understand the essence of how to be productive using vim. It also contains some good examples. It definitely helped me a lot to get motivated in the beginning :)

aadeshere1 profile image
Aadesh Shrestha

Thanks Jorin for this recommendation. It would be very helpful for me. Could you also take a look at my .vimrc file on github and recommend what more should I be adding on that ?

jorinvo profile image

I think configuration is something really individual and you have to find out what works well for you.
I try to keep my configuration minimal and only add things I understand.

You chose a nice plugin manager with vim-plug. You can also tell it to only load packages for certain languages to speed up loading, like this:

 Plug '', { 'for': 'go', 'do': 'nvim +GoInstallBinaries +qall' }

If you feel comfortable with the features you use and like to learn something new, I recommend having a look at the :terminal feature that comes with Vim 8 and also NeoVim.

Keyboard shortcut mappings are one of the most subjective topics. Personally I prefer mapping unused key combos instead of using <Leader>, but you have to find out what works best for you.
You can have a look at my configuration if you search for some inspiration.

In terms of plugins my favorites are fugitive + gitgutter for Git and surround, commentary and unimpaired for great new shortcuts/functionality that I use every day. But better don't start using them all at once :)

Also remember that you can always lookup help:
What does this plugin do? :h fugitive
What is this shortcut? :h K

sallar profile image

I have tried as well. But I don't really get the point of using Vim as my main editor. I can do simple edits with it when I have to (eg SSH) but for my daily work, I prefer a better editor like VSCode, Atom or Sublime. Why would I waste the time I can be earning money or learning something better just to learn how to use an old editor so I can type faster or look cooler among devs? I like having the luxury of extensions, intellisense etc in my modern-day editor. But this is just my personal opinion.

aadeshere1 profile image
Aadesh Shrestha

Thanks for your opinion.

aghost7 profile image
Jonathan Boudreau • Edited

I can recommend some git utilities such as junegunn/gv.vim and tpope/vim-fugitive. Some commands I use from these plugins:

  • :Ggrep somepattern | cw: Searches file contents which are tracked by git.
  • :Gblame: Does a git blame from your editor. You can also go back in time by selecting the commit and pressing ~. O on a commit will open the entire commit in a new tab.
  • :Gbrowse!: (requires tpope/vim-rhubarb plugin on top of fugitive): Generates a Github link with the correct branch and file and puts it into your clipboard. Also works from visual mode.
  • :GV!: Displays the change history of the current file.
ghost profile image

One suggestion about your .vimrc. Instead of use kien/ctrlp.vim, use the oficial fork where the development is happening: ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim.

aadeshere1 profile image
Aadesh Shrestha • Edited

Updated. Thanks, Diego.

kuzyo profile image
Yaroslav Kuzyo

After sometime working using vim(one year), I moved to vscode, but using vim keybindings (
I'm just started to feel that I'm spending too much time with vim configuration instead of just doing work.

rossijonas profile image
Jonas B. R. • Edited has a very nice vim cheatsheet too, native to the search tool!!


By the way, I started to write quick tips and tutorials for Vim beginners, to help them deal with specific configs and get excited with tricks you can use.

You can check it on !
