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Aarav Joshi
Aarav Joshi

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Mastering TypeScript: Recursive Types Unleashed for Advanced Developers

Let's dive into the fascinating world of advanced TypeScript type inference with recursive types. I've been working with TypeScript for years, and I can tell you that mastering this concept will take your coding skills to a whole new level.

Recursive types in TypeScript allow us to create complex, self-referencing type structures. These are incredibly powerful for modeling intricate data relationships that we often encounter in real-world applications.

Imagine you're building a file system explorer. You'd need a way to represent folders that can contain other folders, right? This is where recursive types shine. Let's start with a simple example:

type FileSystemNode = {
  name: string;
  children?: FileSystemNode[];

const myFolder: FileSystemNode = {
  name: "Documents",
  children: [
    { name: "resume.pdf" },
      name: "Projects",
      children: [
        { name: "TypeScript" },
        { name: "Python" }
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In this example, FileSystemNode is a recursive type. It can contain children, which are themselves FileSystemNodes. This allows us to create a tree-like structure of unlimited depth.

But we can go much further with recursive types. They're not just for trees; we can use them for linked lists, nested object schemas, and even more complex structures.

Let's look at how we might implement a type-safe linked list:

type LinkedList<T> = {
  value: T;
  next: LinkedList<T> | null;

const myList: LinkedList<number> = {
  value: 1,
  next: {
    value: 2,
    next: {
      value: 3,
      next: null
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Here, LinkedList is a recursive type that references itself in its next property. This allows us to create a chain of linked values, each pointing to the next.

Now, let's dive into some more advanced techniques. One of the most powerful features of TypeScript's type system is conditional types. When combined with recursive types, they allow us to create some truly impressive type definitions.

Consider this example of a type-safe JSON parser:

type JSONValue =
  | string
  | number
  | boolean
  | null
  | JSONObject
  | JSONArray;

type JSONObject = { [key: string]: JSONValue };
type JSONArray = JSONValue[];

type ParseResult<T> =
  T extends string ? string :
  T extends number ? number :
  T extends boolean ? boolean :
  T extends null ? null :
  T extends JSONObject ? { [K in keyof T]: ParseResult<T[K]> } :
  T extends JSONArray ? ParseResult<T[0]>[] :

function parseJSON<T extends JSONValue>(json: string): ParseResult<T> {
  return JSON.parse(json) as ParseResult<T>;

const result = parseJSON<{ name: string; age: number }>("{ \"name\": \"Alice\", \"age\": 30 }");
console.log(; // TypeScript knows this is a string
console.log(result.age);  // TypeScript knows this is a number
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In this example, we've created a type-safe JSON parser using recursive and conditional types. The ParseResult type recursively breaks down the structure of the JSON, ensuring that the parsed result matches the expected type.

The infer keyword is another powerful tool when working with recursive types. It allows us to extract and infer types within conditional type statements. Let's see how we can use it to create a type that flattens nested arrays:

type Flatten<T> = T extends Array<infer U> ? Flatten<U> : T;

type NestedArray = [1, [2, [3, 4], 5], 6];
type FlatArray = Flatten<NestedArray>; // type FlatArray = number
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Here, Flatten recursively applies itself to nested arrays until it reaches a non-array type. The infer keyword is used to extract the type of the array elements at each level.

Recursive types can also be incredibly useful for building type-safe state machines. Imagine you're modeling a traffic light:

type TrafficLightState =
  | { state: "Red"; next: "Green" }
  | { state: "Yellow"; next: "Red" }
  | { state: "Green"; next: "Yellow" };

type NextTrafficLightState<T extends TrafficLightState> =
  T extends { next: infer U } ? Extract<TrafficLightState, { state: U }> : never;

function changeLight<T extends TrafficLightState>(currentState: T): NextTrafficLightState<T> {
  const nextState =;
  return { state: nextState, next: "" } as NextTrafficLightState<T>;

let light: TrafficLightState = { state: "Red", next: "Green" };
light = changeLight(light); // TypeScript knows this is now { state: "Green", next: "Yellow" }
light = changeLight(light); // TypeScript knows this is now { state: "Yellow", next: "Red" }
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In this example, we've used recursive types to model a traffic light state machine. The NextTrafficLightState type uses the infer keyword to determine the next valid state based on the current state.

Recursive types can also be applied to more complex data structures like graphs. Here's an example of how we might model a simple graph structure:

type Graph<T> = {
  value: T;
  edges: Graph<T>[];

const myGraph: Graph<string> = {
  value: "A",
  edges: [
      value: "B",
      edges: [
          value: "C",
          edges: []
      value: "D",
      edges: []
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This Graph type allows us to create complex, interconnected structures while maintaining type safety.

One area where recursive types really shine is in parsing and manipulating complex data structures. Let's say we're working with a nested object schema and we want to create a type that gives us the type of a value at a given path:

type NestedObject = {
  a: {
    b: {
      c: string;
      d: number;
    e: boolean;
  f: string[];

type PathImpl<T, K extends keyof T> =
  K extends string
  ? T[K] extends Record<string, any>
    ? T[K] extends ArrayLike<any>
      ? K | `${K}.${PathImpl<T[K], Exclude<keyof T[K], keyof any[]>>}`
      : K | `${K}.${PathImpl<T[K], keyof T[K]>}`
    : K
  : never;

type Path<T> = PathImpl<T, keyof T> | keyof T;

type PathValue<T, P extends Path<T>> =
  P extends `${infer K}.${infer Rest}`
  ? K extends keyof T
    ? Rest extends Path<T[K]>
      ? PathValue<T[K], Rest>
      : never
    : never
  : P extends keyof T
    ? T[P]
    : never;

// Usage
type Test1 = PathValue<NestedObject, "a.b.c">; // string
type Test2 = PathValue<NestedObject, "a.e">; // boolean
type Test3 = PathValue<NestedObject, "f">; // string[]
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This complex type definition allows us to safely access nested properties of an object using string paths. The Path type generates all possible paths through the object, and PathValue gives us the type at a specific path.

As you can see, recursive types in TypeScript open up a world of possibilities for type-safe programming. They allow us to model complex data structures and relationships with a level of precision that was previously difficult to achieve in JavaScript.

However, it's important to note that while these advanced types are powerful, they can also make your code more complex and harder to understand. Always strive for a balance between type safety and code readability. Remember, the goal is to make your code more robust and easier to maintain, not to create unnecessarily complex type puzzles.

In my experience, the key to mastering recursive types is practice. Start by identifying places in your code where you're dealing with nested or self-referencing structures. Then, try to create type definitions that accurately model these structures. Over time, you'll develop an intuition for when and how to use recursive types effectively.

As we push the boundaries of static type checking in TypeScript, we're creating more robust, self-documenting code that catches errors at compile-time rather than runtime. This leads to more reliable software and a better development experience overall.

Remember, TypeScript's type system is turing complete, which means we can model incredibly complex scenarios. But with great power comes great responsibility. Use these advanced techniques judiciously, and always keep in mind the developers (including your future self) who will need to read and understand your code.

The world of TypeScript type inference and recursive types is vast and exciting. As you continue to explore and experiment, you'll discover new ways to leverage the type system to create safer, more expressive code. Happy coding!

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Top comments (1)

jwp profile image

TypeScript has more type function than any language I know. I don't know half of it, but can see this as a time saver in that super complex repetitive structures are simplified using Genric containment. As shown the subnodes being of same type of parent allows us to contain any number of children.

The concept of containment is powerful as it guarantees Separation of Concerns.

Thank you for writing this post.