DEV Community

Aaron Canty
Aaron Canty

Posted on


One thing you love and not love most about your dev career?

I only have a few months experience and that's in college, not in a job but I already love this industry. I can tell it's going to be a rewarding career!

Do you think I'm right? Am am I disillusioned?

Tell me why 😁

Top comments (2)

c_v_ya profile image

It is rewarding and might be very passionate. Just don't burn out. A good advice I got one day is - to stand up from your desk when your interested is peaked. So the next day you'll come back with more enthusiasm. Don't overwork, it might kill your passion.

One thing I hate: is dealing with legacy systems. Not just old code but really ancient stuff. Sometimes I think it's easier to rewrite the whole thing.

One thing I love: there is more than just one thing to love 😄 If you know what you want from this career you can loose track of time working, it's that interesting. But don't forget about breaks, rest and other activities.

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

One thing I love: there is a potential to really make a positive difference in people's lives. I have known many projects that help people with mental health problems, help people organise as communities, help solve every day problems.

On thing I hate: all the money is in financial services.