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Aaron K Saunders
Aaron K Saunders

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Working With Appwrite Databases, Vue, Ionic & Capacitor

Appwrite - Build Fast. Scale Big. All in One Place.
Appwrite is a backend platform for developing Web, Mobile, and Flutter applications. Built with the open source community and optimized for a developer experience in the coding languages you love.

This video series will cover

  • login ( Part I )
  • logout ( Part I )
  • create account ( Part I )
  • re establish previous session ( Part I )
  • add documents ( Part II )
  • list documents ( Part II )
  • subscribe to events when collection is updated (Part III )
  • upload images( Part III )
  • associate images with documents( Part III )

In this first video we will show step by step how to get started with Appwrite Cloud using Vue JS Ionic Framework & Capacitor including login, logout, and creating an account, working with Appwrite Cloud Instance.

To modularize the code, we will be creating composables to manage integration with the Appwrite Web SDK.

  • useAppwrite
  • useAccount
  • useDatabases
  • useStorage

Ionic Framework components are used to create the mobile interface and Ionic Capacitor will be used to package the web application for deployment on to mobile devices.


Code Changes

useAppwrite composable

  • created ref for appwrite databases object
  • create CONFIG object to export DATABASE_ID and COLLECTION_ID
import { Client, Account, ID, Databases } from "appwrite";
import { ref } from "vue";

const accountRef = ref<Account>();
const databaseRef = ref<Databases>()

export const useAppwrite = () => {
  const client = new Client()

    accountRef.value = new Account(client);
    databaseRef.value = new Databases(client);

  return {
    account: accountRef,
    database: databaseRef,
    ID: ID,
    CONFIG : {
      DATABASE_ID : import.meta.env.VITE_DATABASE_ID,
      COLLECTION_ID : import.meta.env.VITE_COLLECTION_ID
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useAppwriteDB composable

  • create the composable to interact with database and collections
  • itemDocuments is reactive and contains results of listDocuments
  • doCreateDocument creates a new document in the database and sets the permissions to the current user
  • doListDocuments queries all documents in the collection
import { Models, Permission, Role } from "appwrite";
import { useAppwrite } from "./useAppwrite";
import { ref } from "vue";

const itemDocuments = ref<Models.Document[] | undefined>();

export const useAppwriteDB = () => {
  const { database, CONFIG, ID } = useAppwrite();

   * @param itemData
   * @param userId
   * @returns
  const doCreateDocument = async (itemData: any, userId: string) => {
    try {
      const data = await database.value?.createDocument(
        { ...itemData },

      await doListDocuments();

      return { data, error: undefined };
    } catch (error) {
      return { error, data: undefined };

   * @returns
  const doListDocuments = async () => {
    try {
      const data = await database.value?.listDocuments(
      itemDocuments.value = data?.documents;
      return { data, error: undefined };
    } catch (error) {
      return { error, data: undefined };
  return {
    documents: itemDocuments,
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addItemModal component

the template for the component follows the pattern used in all of the other modals in the application; get information from input elements and return then values by emitting an onClose event.

in this video we are only capturing the title and the description.

  <ion-modal :is-open="isVisible" @willDismiss="emit('onClose', null)">
        <ion-buttons slot="start">
          <ion-button @click="doSave">SAVE</ion-button>
        <ion-title>CREATE NEW ITEM</ion-title>
        <ion-buttons slot="end">
          <ion-button @click="emit('onClose', null)">CANCEL</ion-button>

    <ion-content :fullscreen="true">
        <ion-label position="stacked">Title</ion-label>
        <ion-input ref="titleRef" type="text" placeholder="Title"></ion-input>
        <ion-label position="stacked">Description</ion-label>
        <ion-input ref="descriptionRef" type="text" placeholder="Description"></ion-input>
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the script section of the component sets up the event for sending modal payload back to HomePage for processing

<script setup lang="ts">
import {
} from "@ionic/vue";
const props = defineProps<{ isVisible: boolean }>();
const emit = defineEmits<{
  (event: "onClose", payload: any): void;
import { ref } from "vue";

const titleRef = ref();
const descriptionRef = ref();

const doSave = () => {
  emit("onClose", {
    title: titleRef.value.$el.value,
    description: descriptionRef.value.$el.value,
    file: undefined,
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HomePage component

The template had a few changes

  • moved the name of the current user to the page title using the currentUser ref.
  • added the ADD ITEM button to the page. The button sets the value of addItemIsOpen to true which will trigger the opening of the AddItemModal component
  • added a section to the template to render the list of documents from the database collection. It utilizes the documents ref from that is returned from the useAppwriteDB composable
  • added the template code for the AddItemModal component. its has two properties isVisible which is assigned the value of addItemIsOpen and the other property is an event listener @onClose which is assigned the value of the new function doAddItem which will be called when the @onClose event is emitted from the AddItemModal component.
    <ion-header :translucent="true">
        <template v-if="!currentUser">
        <template v-else>
          <ion-title>Home: {{ currentUser?.name }}</ion-title>

    <ion-content :fullscreen="true" class="ion-padding">
      <template v-if="!currentUser">
        <ion-button @click="loginIsOpen = true">LOGIN</ion-button>
        <ion-button @click="createAcctIsOpen = true">CREATE ACCOUNT</ion-button>
      <template v-else>
        <!-- {{ currentUser }} -->
          <ion-button @click="addItemIsOpen = true" class="ion-float-left"
            >ADD ITEM</ion-button
          <ion-button @click="doLogout" class="ion-float-right"

        <div style="clear: both"></div>
        <div style="margin-top: 16px">
            <ion-item v-for="item in documents" :key="item.$id">
                <p>{{ item.$id }}</p>
                <p>{{ }}</p>
                <p>{{ item.description }}</p>
                <p>{{ item.$updatedAt }}</p>

      <!-- CREATE ACCOUNT MODAL  -->

      <!-- ADD ITEM MODAL  -->

      <!-- LOGIN MODAL  -->
      <login-modal :isVisible="loginIsOpen" @onClose="doLogin"></login-modal>
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The script has changes also

  • new import of the useAppwriteDB composable and the inclusion of functions and properties: doCreateDocument, doListDocuments, documents
  • added the new ref addItemIsOpen which is used for controlling the visibility of the AddItemModal
  • we are using an Ionic specific lifecycle event onIonViewWillEnter to reload the item documents whenever the HomePage is presented. We are doing this because when using the Ionic Vue Router the components remain in the DOM so the normal onMounted lifecycle event is only called once. We also used the composable function doListDocuments to update the property documents
  • We also call doListDocuments to update the property documents when the user first logs in to get all of the documents for the display
  • added function doAddItem which calls the composable function doCreateDocument to create a document from the AddItemModal payload that is return from the onClose event

<script setup lang="ts">
import {
} from "@ionic/vue";
import { ref } from "vue";

import { useAppwriteAccount } from "../composables/useAppwriteAccount";
import { useAppwriteDB } from "../composables/useAppwriteDB";
import CreateAccountModal from "../components/CreateAccountModal.vue";
import LoginModal from "../components/LoginModal.vue";
import AddItemModal from "@/components/AddItemModal.vue";
import { Models } from "appwrite";

const { createAccount, getCurrentUser, login, logout } = useAppwriteAccount();
const { doCreateDocument, doListDocuments, documents } = useAppwriteDB();

const currentUser = ref();

const createAcctIsOpen = ref(false);
const loginIsOpen = ref(false);
const addItemIsOpen = ref(false);

onIonViewWillEnter(async () => {
  if (currentUser.value) {
    await doListDocuments();

// check for user at startup
  async (user) => {
    currentUser.value = user;
    await doListDocuments();
  (error) => {}

 * @param payload
const doAddItem = async (
  payload: null | { title: string; description: string; file?: File }
) => {
  addItemIsOpen.value = false;

  if (payload) {
    try {
      const resp = await doCreateDocument(payload, currentUser?.value.$id);
      if (resp.error) throw resp.error;
    } catch (error) {
      errorAlert("Error Creating New Item", (error as Error).message);

const doLogin = async (payload: null | { email: string; password: string }) => {
  loginIsOpen.value = false;
  if (payload) {
    try {
      const { email, password } = payload;

      const loginResp = await login(email, password);
      if (loginResp?.error) throw loginResp.error;

      currentUser.value = loginResp?.data;
    } catch (error) {
      errorAlert("Error Creating Account", (error as Error).message);

const doLogout = async () => {
  try {
    const response = await logout();
    if (response?.error) throw response.error;
    currentUser.value = null;
  } catch (error) {
    errorAlert("Error Logging Out", (error as Error).message);

const doCreateAccount = async (
  payload: null | { email: string; password: string; name: string }
) => {
  createAcctIsOpen.value = false;
  if (payload) {
    try {
      const { email, password, name } = payload;
      const createAccountResp = await createAccount(email, password, name);
      if (createAccountResp?.error) throw createAccountResp.error;

      const loginResp = await login(email, password);
      if (loginResp?.error) throw loginResp.error;

      currentUser.value = loginResp?.data;
    } catch (error) {
      errorAlert("Error Creating Account", (error as Error).message);

const errorAlert = async (title: string, message: string) => {
  const alert = await alertController.create({
    header: title,
    message: message,
    buttons: ["OK"],
  await alert.present();
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Whats Next

Part three will cover using Appwrite Storage to store blobs and using the javascript library to save and retrieve items from Appwrite Storage. We will also deploy the application to a native device and include Ionic Capacitor to make that happen along with including Ionic Capacitor Camera Plugin to use the native camera in the device

Source Code

GitHub logo aaronksaunders / my-appwrite-vuejs-ionic-app

how to get started with Appwrite Cloud using Vue JS Ionic Framework & Capacitor including login, logout, and creating an account, working with Appwrite Cloud Instance.

Getting Started With Appwrite Cloud, Vue JS Ionic Framework & Capacitor

Part One

Appwrite - Build Fast. Scale Big. All in One Place. Appwrite is a backend platform for developing Web, Mobile, and Flutter applications. Built with the open source community and optimized for a developer experience in the coding languages you love.

In this video, I'm going to show you how to get started with Appwrite Cloud using Vue JS Ionic Framework & Capacitor including login, logout, and creating an account, working with Appwrite Cloud Instance.

I am creating vue composables for Account and AppwriteClient. Will create them for Database and Storage in part two of the video series when I cover those topics


Top comments (1)

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Ashfiquzzaman Sajal

Good work mate! Keep writing 🚀🤗

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