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Roadmap to learn Flutter Efficiently

I am Aashar Wahla, a full-stack flutter developer. And I have been working with flutter for the better part of two and a half years. Recently I started to post some of my projects on GitHub and LinkedIn, where I have received a lot of queries. And almost ninety percent of them were related to how they can start their journey.

If you are more of a visual learner, you can also see a video on the same topic on my YouTube channel.

So in this blog, I will be sharing my suggestion on how you should learn flutter. I will like to mention here that this may not be the best method, but this is the one that worked for me.

Let's start!

So what is Flutter? You should know what you are getting yourself into. You should spend at least a day or two figuring out why you want to learn flutter in the first place. As this is not a tutorial I will not be telling you in detail, you will have to figure it out yourself.

Now, after getting yourself motivated to learn flutter this is the part where you start the process of learning.


So as you already know the flutter is a mobile development framework developed by Google, and it uses Dart language which is also developed by Google.

The first step will be to get yourself to learn and understand dart.

You will have to further divide this first step into three segments.

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Let's talk about things which you should cover in the beginner section of part 1:

  • variables
  • Data types
  • And basic data structures like arrays
  • Operators (logical and arithmetic)
  • Conditional statement

Now we will move to the second section (intermediate)

  • Functions (define, call, return type, parameters)
  • Nested Functions
  • Classes
  • Constructor
  • Getter and Setter
  • Null safety

And after both of these two sections, we will move to the last section (advanced)

  • Inheritance
  • Exception
  • Collections (list, set)
  • Asynchronous programming
  • Streams


After clearing part 1, and practicing what you learned in part 1, we will move to part 2. In part 2 we will start the flutter. We will take a detailed look at the flutter, and again like part 1 we will divide part 2 into three segments.

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Let's have a look at the beginner section of part 2:

  • What is hot reload
  • What is widget
  • Difference between stateful and stateless widget
  • Basic widgets which nicely text, row, column, container, stack and positioned.

Section 1 is mostly based on making you understand the concepts, intermediate section is the section in which you will learn to build the UI. And if you will be motivated enough you will start to build yourself.

  • Scaffold
  • Material Widgets - like button and dialogs
  • Layout builder
  • MediaQuery
  • ListView, GridView
  • CupertinoPageScaffold
  • TextField
  • Forms

After practicing sections 1 and 2 of part 2 you should start the advanced section which includes:

  • State management
  • Routes and Navigation
  • Localization and Internalization
  • Animation
  • Working with JSON
  • Using community-packages


In this part, you will start using third-party services like firebase. You will be considered a flutter developer even without this part, but this is a must-have in my point. In this part, I will only mention two things

  • rest API
  • Firebase

I will recommend you to get yourself very well familiar with these two things which will help you a lot in your career.

So what’s next?

This is not all of the things which you should learn, rather this is just a beginning. You will discover new paths, as you will continue your journey.

Very best wishes for the start of your awesome journey.

Top comments (3)

davesbalthazar profile image
Daves Balthazar

Great, maybe a little about Canvas and packages, some example of sounds, game in flutter.

mdirshaddev profile image
Md Irshad

Nice explanation. But you miss GraphQL in part 3.

aasharwahla profile image

That would be nice to learn, but I don't think that will be essential.