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Aayush Adhikari
Aayush Adhikari

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Websites for IT Training, Programming, and More

Keeping ahead of the curve is crucial in the quickly changing tech landscape of today. The internet has a wealth of tools to support your success, regardless of your level of experience as a developer. Whether you're a novice ready to explore the world of IT or an experienced developer hoping to hone your craft. There is a website for every facet of your career path, including web development, graphic design, networking, programming, creating the ideal resume, and platforms for freelancing. Let's investigate a few of the best platforms that can advance your career:

Programming and Web Development:

  1. FreeCodeCamp:

  2. Scrimba: Scrimba

  3. Khan Academy:

  4. Great Learning: Great Learning

  5. Codecademy:

  6. Udemy:

  7. Coursera:

  8. W3Schools:

  9. Stack Overflow:

  10. Hyperskill: Hyperskill

  11. Frontend Masters: Frontend Masters

  12. ScrumpStudy: ScrumpStudy

  13. Netacad: Netacad

  14. CodePen: CodePen

  15. LearnStreet: LearnStreet

  16. Programmr: Programmr

  17. Code School: Code School

  18. Team Treehouse: Team Treehouse

  19. CodeHS: CodeHS

  20. The New Boston: The New Boston

  21. SQLZoo: SQLZoo

  22. HTML5 Rocks: HTML5 Rocks

  23. SitePoint: SitePoint

  24. TutorialsPoint: TutorialsPoint

  25. JavaTPoint: JavaTPoint

  26. Cplusplus: Cplusplus

  27. LearnCPP: LearnCPP

  28. CProgramming: CProgramming

  29. Stack Overflow: Stack Overflow

  30. Learn Code The Hard Way: Learn Code The Hard Way

  31. Bloc: Bloc

  32. How to Code: How to Code

  33. edX: edX

  34. Instructables: Instructables

  35. Apple Developer: Apple Developer

  36. Android Developer: Android Developer

  37. Google Developers: Google Developers

  38. Mozilla Developer Network: Mozilla Developer Network

  39. Microsoft Developer Network: Microsoft Developer Network

  40. Opera Developer: Opera Developer

  41. DevelopPHP: DevelopPHP

  42. Quackit: Quackit

  43. HTMLite: HTMLite

  44. Site du Zero: Site du Zero

  45. Dream In Code: Dream In Code

  46. PHP Buddy: PHP Buddy


  48. Microsoft Virtual Academy: Microsoft Virtual Academy

  49. Professor Messer: Professor Messer

Programming and Other IT Projects:

  1. FreeProjectsCode: FreeProjectsCode

  2. SourceCodesWorld: SourceCodesWorld

  3. FreeCode: FreeCode

  4. CodeProject: CodeProject

  5. FreeStudentProjects: FreeStudentProjects

  6. ProgrammersHeaven: ProgrammersHeaven

  7. Google Code: Google Code

  8. Planet Source Code: Planet Source Code

  9. DZone: DZone

  10. TheFreeCountry: TheFreeCountry

  11. SourceForge: SourceForge

  12. Creately: Creately

  13. FreeWebsite: FreeWebsite

Photoshop and Graphics:

  1. Adobe KnowHow: Adobe KnowHow

  2. Pixel2Life: Pixel2Life

  3. Photoshop Essentials: Photoshop Essentials

  4. Photoshop Tutorials: Photoshop Tutorials

  5. Phlearn: Phlearn

  6. Tutsplus: Tutsplus

  7. Practical Photoshop Magazine: Practical Photoshop Magazine

  8. Tutorial9: Tutorial9

  9. PSHero: PSHero

  10. PSD Learning: PSD Learning

  11. Alison: Alison

Creating a Professional CV Online:

  1. RxResu: RxResu

  2. GitHub Resume: GitHub Resume

  3. Zety: Zety

  4. ResumeHelp: ResumeHelp

  5. ResumeNerd: ResumeNerd

  6. ResumeLab: ResumeLab

  7. Resume-Now: Resume-Now

  8. VisualCV: VisualCV

  9. ResumUp: ResumUp

  10. Enhancv: Enhancv

  11. Wozber: Wozber

Websites for Freelancers:

  1. Khamsat: Khamsat

  2. Fiverr: Fiverr

  3. Upwork: Upwork

  4. Elance: Elance

  5. 99designs: 99designs

  6. Freelancer: Freelancer

  7. Guru: Guru

  8. Smashing Magazine Jobs: Smashing Magazine Jobs

  9. Freelanced: Freelanced

  10. iFreelance: iFreelance

  11. PeoplePerHour: PeoplePerHour

It's the perfect time to start your IT and programming career because there are so many resources online. These websites provide the resources and information you need to be successful, whether your goal is to start your freelance career, obtain your ideal job, or just broaden your skill set. Utilise these channels, maintain your curiosity, and never stop learning—the opportunities in the field of technology are virtually limitless.

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