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Abhay Parashar
Abhay Parashar

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How To Explain Each Machine Learning Model In Brief

In this blog, I want to share a resource that provides concise explanations of all machine learning models ranging from Simple Linear regression to XGBoost to Clustering techniques.

Models Covered

  1. Linear Regression
  2. Polynomial Regression
  3. Ridge Regression
  4. Lasso Regression
  5. Elastic Regression
  6. Logistic Regression
  7. K Nearest-Neighbors
  8. Naive Bayes
  9. Support Vector Machines
  10. Decision Trees
  11. Random Forest
  12. Extra Trees
  13. Gradient Boost
  14. Ada Boost
  15. XGBoost
  16. K Means Clustering
  17. Hierarchical Clustering
  18. DBSCAN Clustering
  19. Apriori
  20. PCA

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