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Introduction to GITHUB desktop GUI

lets start with first installing github desktop. to install github click on the link below.
github desktop
note- above link is direct installation link of exe file for github desktop
or you can simply explore official github website.
github website official

Github desktop is an extension of the version control of git and cloud based versioning and distributed version control features of github on your pc with little salt of GUI replacing CLI of git bash .
Github desktop has almost all the faetures required and necessary to begin your software development journey. Github desktop is easy to use once you know the features of github desktop very well you will feel comfortable in using github to save your project and live run your project with ease.

Once github desktop is installed on your pc start exploring it .

Know your GITHUB GUI

git push

It is used to push or upload your local repo on which you are working to a remote repo. In case of github desktop it is generally the repo on github account saved on is the counterpart of git fetch operation in which a remote repo is transported to the local computer.

git fetch and git pull

Fetch is a primary operation to check for any changes in the remote repo it is primarily used concept in collaborative work flows while fetch checks the remote repo for changes pull immediately changes the content of the local repo to be in line to those on the remote repo after fetching it also updates the content of local repo.

git branches

a branch is a new/separate version of the main repository. Branches allow you to work on different parts of a project without impacting the main branch. When the work is complete, a branch can be merged with the main project. You can even switch between branches and work on different projects without them interfering with each other.

git commit

Adding commits keep track of our progress and changes as we work. Git considers each commit change point or "save point". It is a point in the project you can go back to if you find a bug, or want to make a change. It is used to record the changes in the repository. The staging and committing are co-related to each other. Staging allows us to continue in making changes to the repository, and when we want to share these changes to the version control system, committing allows us to record these changes.

git merge

to merge multiple sequences of commits, stored in multiple branches in a unified history or to be simple you can say in a single branch. What happens is when we try to merge two branches, git takes two commit pointers and starts searching for a common base commit in those two specified bit branches. When git finds the common base commit it simply creates a “merge commit” automatically and merges each queued merge commit sequence.

git merge conflict

the above image shows the landing window of the github with various options such as

  • file

  • edit

  • view

  • repository

  • branch

  • help
    these options are contained in top navbar of software home page. file options have various option for create and cloning repo etc.
    edit have many options such as cut copy paste undo etc. view option has many options such as changes history repo list branches list etc.
    below the top navbar there is

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