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Abhirup Kumar Bhowmick
Abhirup Kumar Bhowmick

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How I Encountered the Problem and Built the Solution: PrepiQ

The Problem: A Personal Struggle with Confidence

For many of us, placement season is a really anxious time. As I prepared for my interviews, I became aware that, in spite of my thorough preparation, my confidence was lacking. It was unbearable to be asked difficult questions, especially ones that were customized to my credentials and the job description. I was aware that many of my friends felt the same way I did about this challenge. Even though we had the abilities and expertise needed for the position, we were all in the same situation — we lacked the confidence to shine during our interviews.

The Eureka Moment: An Idea to Solve the Problem

I had an idea one evening while watching a YouTube short: what if there was a way to mimic actual interview situations and get tailored feedback? What if we could use technology to create interview questions based on our job descriptions and resumes? This thought lit a fire under me. I was committed to developing a solution that would give self-conscious job seekers like myself the confidence they need to ace their interviews.

Building the Solution: The Birth of PrepiQ

I started my journey of developing, testing, and polishing with this aim in mind. PrepiQ was created after 2 weeks of unrelenting work and restless nights. PrepiQ is a SaaS mock interview driven by AI that aims to revolutionize interview preparation.

Why use PrepiQ

1. Personalized Interview Questions: PrepiQ creates interview questions based on your résumé, job description, firm name, and description using the Gemini 1.5 Flash (the most recent iteration of the Gemini Model). This gives you a major advantage over general interview preparation techniques as you get to practice with questions that are particularly relevant to the positions you are looking for.

Personalized Interview

2. AI Mock Interview: You may practice for actual interviews using PrepiQ. With the help of our immersive platform, you may rehearse answering questions in a setting that is scheduled just like an interview. This enhances your ability to respond appropriately and helps you become more at ease under pressure.

AI Mock Interview

3. Comprehensive Feedback: One of the standout features of PrepiQ is its detailed feedback mechanism. After each mock interview, your video clip is transcribed to text, and then you receive personalized feedback highlighting your strengths and areas for improvement. Don’t worry, we don’t store your video. This feedback is crucial in helping you refine your answers and boost your confidence.

Comprehensive Feedback

4. Credit Based Plans: Our plans are cheaper than any other interview tool present on the internet. On signup, you get 5 credits. 1 credit for generating 10 practice questions and 4 credits for creating an interview. No credits are charged for generating answers to the question and also for creating custom jobs. Even if you exhaust your credits, we have 3 paid plans to get you covered. The **Lite *plan offers 10 credits, the *Plus *plan offers 25 credits, and the *Pro **plan covers 50 credits.

Credit Based Plans

Facing interviews with confidence is a game changer in the competitive job market. By providing personalized interview questions, AI mock interviews, and comprehensive feedback, PrepiQ equips you with the skills and confidence you need to ace your interviews.

So, what are you waiting for? Check out PrepiQ now.

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