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Abhishek Jaiswal
Abhishek Jaiswal

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Why do we use Modules in angular?

Module is a container for various parts of your applications - controller, services, filters, directive, etc.

Most applications have a main method that instantiates and wires together the different parts of the application.
Angular apps don't have main method.
But in AngularJS the declarative process is easy to understand and one can package code as reusable modules.
Modules can be loaded in any order because modules delay execution.

In Angular, modules are an essential part of the framework's architecture and are used for several important purposes:

  1. Organizing Code: Modules help in organizing an Angular application into smaller, manageable, and reusable pieces. They allow you to group related components, services, and other Angular features together. This organization is essential for maintaining code readability, scalability, and collaboration among developers.

  2. Encapsulation: Modules encapsulate the components, services, directives, and other Angular constructs within a specific context. This encapsulation prevents naming conflicts and makes it easier to manage dependencies.

  3. Dependency Management: Angular modules manage the dependencies for the components, services, and other elements they contain. By specifying dependencies in the module's metadata, Angular can resolve and inject the necessary dependencies at runtime.

  4. Lazy Loading: Angular supports lazy loading, which allows you to load parts of your application on-demand. Modules play a critical role in enabling lazy loading by allowing you to define which parts of your application should be loaded separately when needed.

  5. Reusability: Modules make it easy to reuse code within different parts of your application or in other Angular projects. You can create feature modules that encapsulate specific functionality and then import and use these modules in various parts of your application.

  6. Testing: Modules facilitate unit testing and end-to-end testing. You can create testing modules to configure the environment for testing specific components or services. This isolation makes it easier to write and maintain tests for your application.

  7. Configuration: Modules provide a way to configure and set up various aspects of an Angular application, such as routes, providers, and other settings. You can define configurations specific to each module, making it easier to manage application settings.

  8. Separation of Concerns: Angular encourages the separation of concerns in your application. You can have separate modules for different aspects of your application, like one for the main application, one for routing, one for feature components, and one for shared services. This separation enhances code maintainability and modularity.

In Angular, you typically create at least one root module (often named AppModule) that serves as the entry point of your application and import other modules as needed. Angular's modular system allows you to build complex applications while maintaining code organization, separation of concerns, and reusability.

Top comments (1)

pbouillon profile image
Pierre Bouillon

While this used to be true, standalone components are now the way to go and enforced by the guidelines and the community

I would consider modules only for specific cases, and as an exception, not as the norm