
Cover image for Arrays in JavaScript
Abhishek Rath
Abhishek Rath

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Arrays in JavaScript

What is an array?

  • An array is a finite collection of elements stored under one name.
  • Syntax
    Array Syntax

  • Example
    Array Example

  • From above example, we can note that - Array index in JavaScript starts from 0.

Accessing Array Elements

  • Array elements can be accessed using their index number. accessing

Modifying Array Elements

  • Array elements can be modified by assigning value at some particular index to some other value
  • Example Modify

Methods in Arrays

  • Methods allow us to manipulate arrays.
  • In this article we'll be looking some of them, let's go :)

1. length

  • As the name suggests, length returns the length of the array i.e. number of elements present in the array. Length

2. concat()

  • This method combines two arrays and returns a new array with combined elements. concat

3. push()

  • This method adds item to the end of the array. push

4. pop()

  • Removes last item of an array, and returns the modified array. pop

5. slice(start, end)

  • This method returns selected elements in an array.
  • Selects elements from a given start, up to a given end (exclusive).
  • slice() method does not mutate the original array, but returns a new array. Slice

6. splice()

  • The splice() method modifies an array, by adding, removing and inserting elements.
  • Syntax Splice
    • index here is the starting point for removing elements from the array. splice index
    • count specifies the number of elements to be deleted from the given index. This is optional parameter. splice count
    • value specifies the value to be added to the original array splice value
    • In above example, count parameter is set to 0, therefore it doesn't remove any elements from the array.
    • value parameter Cedric is added to array at position 1.

7. reverse()

  • As the name says, reverse() method reverses the order of elements in the array.
  • reverse() method modifies the original array. array reverse

8. join()

  • Returns array as string.
  • Doesn't modify the original array.
  • join() method accepts an optional parameter - a separator.
  • Any separator can be specified. The default is comma (,). join
  • Example with separator join separator

9. map(fn)

  • One of the most used array methods in JavaScript.
  • Takes in function as a parameter, and creates a new array by calling a function for every array element.
  • Doesn't modify the original array. map
  • In above example, map() takes every element from the arr and applies square function to it.
  • Inshort, map() method, maps every elements of the array to the specified function and returns a new array.

10. filter()

  • Another most used array method in JS.
  • This method creates a new array if the elements of an array pass a certain condition.
  • Doesn't modify the original array. filter
  • filter method in above example filters the elements based on the function provided in as its parameter. The function returns only the even numbers from the array.
  • Hence, filter method creates a new array with even numbers.

11. indexOf()

  • indexOf() method returns the first occurence of a specified value.
  • Returns -1 if the value is not found. indexOf

12. lastIndexOf()

  • lastIndexOf() method returns the last occurence of the element in the array.
  • Returns -1 if the value is not found. lastIndexOf

13. forEach()

  • forEach() method calls a function for every element in an array.
  • Very useful for iterating through an array. forEach
  • In above example, forEach() takes in an arrow function as its parameter, and logs every number multplied by 100 to the console.


  • concat() combines two arrays together.
  • push() adds item(s) to the end of an array .
  • pop() removes the last item of an array.
  • splice() changes an array, by adding, removing and inserting elements.
  • indexOf() searches for an element in the array and returns the index of its first occurence, else it returns -1.
  • lastIndexOf() searches for an element and returns the last index where the item was found.
  • filter() creates a new array if the elements of an array pass a certain condition.
  • map() creates a new array by calling a function for every array element.
  • forEach() iterates through an array, and applies a function on every element in an array.
  • reverse() reverses the order of elements in the array.


  • I hope this article provides you the basics of JavaScript arrays and its methods.
  • This article discusses some of the basic array methods, and there are many other methods out there.

Happy Learning!!

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